Kuroo x F!Reader

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again haha...

This is all over the place I am so sorry

I had an idea for this but then went haywire... I promise the next one will be better

2nd pov


"(Y/n), you're drunk," Kuroo mumbled into your ear.

His hands rested on your hips as you two were dancing. Well... dancing is a bit of a stretch. You were moving your hips back and forth to the beat of the music as you pressed your body to Kuroo, forcing him to move with you.

Also, you were in fact NOT drunk. Maybe just a bit tipsy. But you were aiming towards drinking your heart out. You were currently struggling with some issues, and you'd rather forget right now instead of confronting them.

So here you were with your best friend, totally not your secret crush ever since the two of you were kids, at one of the clubs Kuroo often visited. You knew going alone probably wouldn't be the smartest idea, so you invited Kuroo.

"Not yet," You said. If Kuroo wasn't already looking at you, he would've missed what you had said. The music was blaring and with everyone singing along it the song, it's hard to hear if you're not shouting.

"What do you mean 'not yet'?" He laughed.

"I can still think logically right now. I don't want to." You stopped dancing and went to head back up to the bar.

Kuroo quickly pulled you back to him. "At least finish the song," He chuckled. You sighed, but went back to dancing nonetheless.

Kuroo had noticed your weird behavior for the last couple of weeks. He hadn't brought it up yet, because he knew that if it became too big for you to handle by yourself, you would come and talk to him.

He thought you would talk to him tonight, but you seemed dead set on not wanting to remember tonight.

"Song's over. Drinks," You removed his hands from your waist and beelined for the bar. Kuroo followed behind.

By time he got to the bar, you already had a drink in your hands.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Maybe if he just asked you would tell him.

"Yes, I'm fine," You paused. You knew he would eventually pick up on your behavior if you didn't stop acting weird in front of him, but you couldn't help it. He was part of the reason you were acting this way. He was also your best friend though, so you can't not talk to him. "Why? What's up?"

"If you say so," He shrugged. He didn't plan on dropping the topic, but he would casually start to bring it up.

You had quickly finished your drink, successfully feeling a bit more drunk. "C'mon, Kuroo! Back to the dance floor." You grabbed his wrist and dragged him back out.

Kuroo allowed himself to be dragged onto the dancefloor. He went to go back to your old dancing position, but you turned yourself around, wrapping your arms around his neck. You gave him a stupid, lopsided smile, curtusy to your drink from just a minute ago.

"Oho? What's this?" His hands rested on your hips. He then pulled you closer to his body.

You blushed and hid your face in his shoulder.

Kuroo just laughed as the two of you moved to the rhythm of the song.

During this time, you never moved from his shoulder. It was warm. This was the closest you could get to a hug without him wondering why you wanted one. But you also had to keep up the dancing or else he would definitely be suspicious.

Any man who even glanced at you, Kuroo would glare at them. You were having a good time and he wasn't about to let any pervert touch you when he took his eyes off you.

You started to feel tired. The night finally crashed onto you, but you wanted to keep dancing. So you decided to go get another drink. You picked your head up and looked at Kuroo.

"I'm gonna go get a drink. I'll be right back."

"Alright, I'll come with you," He started to follow you. You put your hand on his chest and pushed him back a little.

"I'll be fine. Go find someone else to dance with for a bit," You smiled and headed off to the bar.

Kuroo was not about to let you out of his sight. This place could be a little shady, and there was the one guy who wouldn't stop looking at you. It was nerve wracking.

He decided to go secretly watching over you, just to make sure. Just as he got there, he saw some guy reaching for your ass. He quickly rushed over and grabbed the guy's wrist.

You immediately turned around. Your mind was fuzzy, but you knew Kuroo had ignored what you had told him to do. You quickly turned around to see what he was doing. Oh.

You had forgotten that you had to be careful of your surroundings here.

"We're going home," Kuroo grabbed your wrist this time and dragged you out of the club.

"Hey!" You protested. "I wasn't done dancing."

"I was." You pouted as you walked up to his car.

"What if I want to keep dancing?" You argued.

"Then we'll come back tomorrow." His answers were short and to the point. He was upset.

You curled up into the passenger's seat and turned your knees towards the window. A sign you were upset.

Kuroo, on the other hand, was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were turning white. He let his eyes off of you for one second and some creep was trying to feel you up. He was just glad he got there in time.

By the time you reached his apartment, he had calmed down, but you were confused. "Kuroo, we're at your house."

"Yeah, I know."

"I thought you were taking me home?"

"I was going to, but-" He stopped himself before he realized what he wanted to say. ...but I wouldn't be able to look after you then.

"But what?" You crossed your arms.

"You shouldn't be alone tonight."


"Just come inside. I'll make you something to eat."

"Not hungry."

"Quite being a baby. It's not like you haven't been over before."

That's right. You've spent the night at his house many times before... but not recently. For reasons you thought were obvious.

"You're right." You started to head up to his apartment building. You were decently sobered up, but you didn't want to be.

Kuroo trailed behind you and unlocked the door when you arrived. He immediately went into his bedroom, but walked out soon with a pair of clothes in his hand. "Go shower. Put these on when you're done. I'll have food waiting for you when you get out." He said, ushering the clothes into your hands.

"I'm good on the food, thanks." You really weren't hungry.

"I'm gonna make food anyways. Then, you'll want some." He laughed.

You smiled and headed into his bathroom.

Taking a quick shower, you sat in front of the mirror and glanced down at your body. There's no way he would want me. Not when I look like this.

You ended up staring at yourself in the mirror a little too long. You snapped out of your trance when you heard Kuroo knocking on the door.

"No rush, but your food is ready. Don't want it to get cold."

With that you hurried to get dressed and headed out into Kuroo's kitchen.

He will never know. 

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