Bokuto x Pregnant!Wife

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So... I think I write stuff like this to make up for the lack of affection I get in my life... tmi? my bad lol


Bokuto was working late today, yet he wanted nothing more than to go home to his wife. Being 8 months pregnant, he never wanted to leave her side. But... his job was very demanding and he had a hard time getting time off.

He was saving his vacation days for when (Y/n) finally had the baby. His company didn't give father's maternity leave, but he wanted to be there as much as possible that first week. So, these vacation days were very valuable to him.

Bokuto eyeballed the clock. It was already 6 and he wouldn't probably be home till 7-ish. For the past month he has been working late for a majority of the week because his boss told him that if he worked a little extra, he would give him 2 more vacation days, so it would all pay off in the end.

Before he knew it, it was 6:45 and he could leave. He sent (Y/n) a quick text saying that he would be home as soon as possible.

Back at home, (Y/n) started cooking dinner for her husband. She was humming lightly to the music she had playing as she rested her hands on her swollen stomach. Her feet felt cold against the tilt flooring they had in the kitchen. She had a hard time getting socks on herself, and Bokuto would always help her, but she kicked them off in her sleep and didn't feel the need to struggle to put them back on.

The clock read 7:03, so Bokuto should be home any minute now. Staring at the dinner she made, she smiled seeing as it was half way done and by time he got home and showered, it'd be ready. (Y/n) didn't know that Bokuto was planning on staying with her that first week, plus the 2 extra days, so it was confusing to her why he had been staying late for the past month.

Minutes later, Bokuto walked through the door. "Hey, hey, hey, babe! I'm home." (Y/n)'s face immediately lit up as she waddled over to him. It was a bit embarrassing seeing as it was getting hard for her to walk normally. She pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Welcome home. How was work?" She asked as Bokuto set his things down.

"Terrible. I just wanted to come home," He said as he followed her into the kitchen. "Smells good."

"You should go shower. It'll be done by then," She told him. She plugged her nose and laughed. "Plus you stink. Do me a favor," She joked.

Bokuto just laughed at his wife as he promised he would go take a quick shower. His shower was no longer than 10 minutes, as he was back out in the kitchen 15 minutes later. He watched his wife finish up dinner. He couldn't help but smile at her, but that was quickly turned into a frown as he watched her face contort in pain as she rubbed her back.

"Is your back bothering you?" He asked as he walked over and started to rub her back.

(Y/n) nodded. "A little bit, yeah." She quickly moved onto another subject. "Dinner is ready." She pointed to the 2 plates made for the both of them.

Bokuto lightly shook his head as he chuckled. "Thank you, but let's worry about you for a minute."

(Y/n)'s whole body ached if she was going to be honest with herself. Her doctor told them to expect the baby any day now. Bokuto rested his hand on (Y/n)'s stomach. He laughed as he felt his daughter kick his hand.

Any time Bokuto would put his hand on her stomach, she would kick. She was definitely going to be a daddy's girl. (Y/n) looked back at Bokuto.

"What would you do if I told you I'm scared?" She whispered. Bokuto tilted his head as he turned her around.

"What are you scared of?" He questioned.

"Of having the baby," She looked down. "What if something goes wrong? It's supposed to hurt a lot, and have a lot of damage on my body afterwards. What if you don't like the way I look anymore?" She felt tears start to drip down her face. "What if something happens to her during birth? What if you're at work and can't get to me in time?"

Bokuto quickly lifted her face back up and cut her off with a kiss. "Have you always worried about this?"

(Y/n) nodded. "Since the beginning, but they were just thoughts at the back of my mind then. But since I could go into labor any day now... they all seem more real." More tears fell down her face.

Bokuto was quick to wipe her tears away. "Of course those are all possibilities," He started off, but quickly stopped when he saw her face fill with worry. "But even if they do happen, it's not your fault." He tried to recover. "The doctor said she's completely healthy and I know you're gonna do great."

"What makes you think that?"

"Because you're you," He smiled and ran his hand through her hair. "And even with everything that comes afterwards, you're not gonna be alone. That's what I'm here for. Nothing will chase me away."

This time, happy tears rained from (Y/n)'s eyes.

"Huh?! What's wrong? Was it something I said!?" Bokuto freaked out when he saw his wife start to cry again.

She laughed and waved him off. "No, Bokuto. These are happy tears." She gave him another kiss. "Thank you for that. I love you." She smiled.

"I love you more."

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