Chapter 3- Passion

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      After we got to the bedroom, Andy stopped me beside the bed, I turned toward him and he leaned over, kissing me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back. He bends over, grabs my legs, and then quickly straightens up, picking me up with him. He lays us down on the bed, not breaking the kiss to do so. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Andy asks, finally breaking the kiss. He intertwines his fingers with mine. I nod my head. "Yeah, I'm sure," I say. He nods in response before crashing his lips back on mine. He inches further and further down, leaving a trail of kisses down my jaw, neck, and stomach. My breath hitches as he nears my southern region. He looks up at me, searching for any sign that I would tell him to stop, before lowering his head back down to my sensitive skin. He begins using only his tongue, then puts his finger inside. I let my head fall back, enjoying the feeling. He soon adds another finger, causing a loud moan to escape from my lips. He looks up for a moment before he begins to lower his head back down. "Andy, wait." I managed to get out. He looks up again, "Do you want me inside you?" he asks. I bite my lip and nod. He kisses his way back up, finally letting his lips meet mine. "Are you ready?" He asks, pulling back from the kiss briefly. I nod and pull him back down to me before pressing my lips to his again. I feel as if his member enters where I wanted it most and he begins to thrust. I let out a loud moan as I felt myself getting close as his thrusts became harder and faster. I flip us over so I'm on top and move my hips back and forth, causing several moans to slip from Andy's lips. "Andy, I'm close." I moan out. "I know, me too." He moans, flipping us back over so he is on top. He quickens his pace, even more, pushing me over the edge, causing my high to go out on his member, another thrust later and I feel his high shoot inside me. Andy leans down placing a gentle kiss on my lips before rolling off of me. I curl up on his chest, both of us still trying to catch our breath.

*Time jump to the end of the trip*

"I can't believe we have to leave this place now. I loved being here with you." I say as Andy and I are packing. "I know babe. I've loved being here with you too. But no matter where we are, I'll love being there, as long as I'm with you." He says as he zips the suitcase he was packing and comes over to me, helping me finish packing the suitcase I'm working on. "Maybe we can come back here sometime soon," I say as Andy throws the last thing into the suitcase and zips it. We stand up straight and place the suitcases on the bed. "Maybe sometime really soon. Sometimes when we aren't on tour." Andy says while wrapping his arms around my waist. I quickly peck his lips. "Come on, we have to get to the airport," I tell him. He nods and we take our luggage to the car.

Once we got to the airport, we put our luggage on the plane, and found a seat, getting comfortable. I had lost a good bit of sleep while being here, but I loved every second of it, simply because I was here with the love of my life, and I couldn't be happier. We these thoughts in my head, I drift off into a blissful state of sleep.

As I start to wake up, I realize the plane is landing. "Good morning, sleepyhead," Andy says from beside me. "Hi," I say, my voice sounds like I'm still half asleep. We get off the plane after it's landed, then get our bags and head out. Andy had his car waiting for us here. So we stuff our luggage in the trunk before getting in the car. Andy grabs my hand as he starts the car and we drive back home. I watch out the window through most of the drive back, watching the trees go by and just enjoying my husband's company.

Once we pulled into our driveway, it was just after six in the evening. It was a long drive back. We pull to a stop, Andy switches the car off before coming around to my side and opening the door, then picking me up bridal style before carrying me into the house. "Wait, Andy, what about the bags?" I ask while chuckling. "I'll get them later, right now, I have you." He says before planting a kiss on my lips as he sits me down.

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