Chapter 6- Fallen Angel

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*Raven's point of view*

I try to pull it out before what looks like a doctor does it for me. I can't catch my breath, though I do manage to get the words, "Where's Andy?" out of my mouth. I began to panic because I didn't know why I was in the hospital or why there were tubes all over my body and for some reason, I couldn't find Andy! "Raven, I'm here!" Andy says as he walks into the room with tears streaming down his face. Everyone else turns and leaves the room. "Andy, what's wrong?" I ask him. "I was so scared I was going to lose you." He says while coming over to my bed and grabbing my hand. "What exactly happened? The last thing I remember is you explaining what had happened when Juliet forced herself on you." I explain. Andy looks up into my eyes, raising his eyebrows before letting them fall back into place. "You pushed me out of the way of a car that was coming and instead, you got hit." He explains as tears begin to well back up in his eyes.

A nurse comes in to check my vitals or whatever. "You should get some rest Hun, this has taken a lot out of you." She tells me before leaving the room. "Do you want me to go?" Andy asks. What, why would I want him to go? I frantically shake my head no. "Okay. Well, get some rest." He says before leaning over and placing a kiss on my forehead. I soon fall asleep while holding his hand in mine.

*Andy's point of view*

I watch as Raven falls asleep while I brush the back of her hand with my thumb. There's no way I'm willing to lose her over my stupidity. She just almost died because I might still have feelings for Juliet. Sure she doesn't remember it now, but she may eventually remember, there's a possibility that she will want to leave me when she does, and if that's what she wants, then I'd let her go. I know that if I want to be able to keep calling her mine, I have to get my shit together and I have to figure out whatever I feel for Juliet and get those feelings to stop. I almost lost my fallen angel tonight, I can't lose her for good. I feel tears streaming down my face at the thought of losing her.

*Raven's point of view*

I feel Andy slip inside me and begin to thrust, I flip us over and start moving my hips back and forth, causing several moans to escape Andy's lips. I hear him mutter "Juliet." and immediately freeze. "Babe, I am so sorry," Andy says as I get up and get dressed. "Save it, Andy," I call over my shoulder as I walk downstairs and across the street. I feel Andy grip my wrist as he begs me to let him explain. "You still care about Juliet so much, why don't you leave me and go marry her?" I asked him. "Raven," He starts as I see a car coming toward us fast. I push Andy out of the way and look over. Before I can move out of the way, the car collides with my body. I woke up gasping for air. I look over to see Andy asleep with his head on the side of my bed as he still holds my hand. I realize now that that wasn't a dream, that's what happened before I woke up in the hospital. I just remembered what happened.

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