Chapter 20- The Announcement

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    "I'm not letting you stay here by yourself. You're either coming with us, or I'm staying home. You pick." Andy says. The boys were packing to go on a year-long nationwide tour, and Andy and I were currently arguing over whether or not I was going with them. I don't think I should, I tried telling Andy that I'll be fine here, but he insists that I go. "Fine. But this means we have to tell others about the pregnancy." I say. "Not a problem, Ashley already knows, so it's just a matter of telling Jake, Jinxx, and CC." And that's one reason why I didn't want to go. If the others know I'm pregnant, they'll be walking around on eggshells around me. Especially CC.

I'm only a couple of months along right now, so I can easily pass it off as weight gain for now. So I've got time for things to remain normal with the guys before I tell them. This is going to be one long tour. I think to myself. "On second thought, how about we wait a little while before telling the guys," I call out to Andy, who was currently trying to finish packing so we could leave on time tonight. "If you want to wait, we'll wait, if you want to tell them now, we'll tell them now. Whenever you're ready to tell them, we'll tell them." Andy replies.

Hours later, once Andy had finally finished packing, we had about twenty minutes before we had to meet up with the rest of the guys. So after throwing everything into the car, we head out. "Hey, can we stop briefly? I need something to drink." I state as we're right up the road from where we're meeting the guys. "Yeah, what do you want to drink?" Andy asks as we pull into the parking lot of a convenience store. "Water, please." I try to say while fighting the urge to throw up. Quickly, I push open the door and stumble out of the car before rushing to the bathroom and puking out everything in my system. There's a knock on the door just as I'm about to open it. "Everything okay, babe?" Andy asks as I step out of the incredibly small bathroom. I nod my head. "Yeah, I just feel like complete and utter crap today," I state as Andy wraps his arms around my shoulders from the side. I rest my head over on his chest for a moment before going to purchase water and leave.

Once we finally reach our destination, the other guys are already there, waiting. "Go ahead and get on the bus, I'll get Ashley to help me with our bags," Andy says before we get out of the car. I nod in response and walk to the tour bus before climbing in. "Hey CC," I say as I sit on the couch next to him. "Hey, Raven!" CC says with his mouth full of candy. Gross! I drink some of my water, trying to settle my stomach.

After Andy and Ashley finish up with the bags, they both come on the bus with the rest of us. Andy sits next to me on the couch, draping an arm around my shoulders. I cuddle up against his side, laying my head over on his collarbone. Finally, my stomach settles and I drift off to sleep, cuddled up next to Andy on the couch.

I jolt awake, feeling like I'm going to puke. I jump up and run to the bathroom before throwing up in the toilet. Andy walks in behind me and pulls my hair back, holding it out of the way. After I feel like I've puked my insides out, I'm finally able to stand up and rinse my mouth out. "I hate this," I say as Andy hands me a small towel. He rubs his hand along my back in a soothing motion. "I know, babe."

"Guys, we'll be at our first venue in eight hours. We'll make a stop at the store on the way." Jake tells everyone from the main area of the tour bus. Just before we walk out of the bathroom. "Andy, up to date?" He asks. Andy nods, and then Jake looks over at me. "Raven, you look kind of sick, are you okay?" He asks me, I simply nod my head.

"I think I just want to go lay down," I say to Andy after Jake walks away. "Let's go," Andy says as we start towards the bunks. Thankfully, the only bunk available was on the bottom. Andy lays down first, lying on his side, and I lay with my back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my body, holding my body to his, and placed a hand on my flat stomach. I can feel myself slowly drifting to sleep.

I wake up sometime later, I'm not sure how much time has passed. Andy was still asleep in the same position he was in before I fell asleep. I decided I wouldn't get up and wake him up in the process, so I played there, enjoying the feeling of his arms around me. Though the peace didn't last for long, as soon as I got that feeling, I knew I was about to throw up and I jolted out of bed without thinking first of how Andy was still asleep, then rushed to the bathroom, puking in the toilet. Andy walked in behind me and pulled my hair back as I tried to catch my breath. Once I'd finished throwing up, Andy handed me a towel. I groan as I wipe my mouth. "Where's my toothbrush?" I ask. "I'll go get it for you." And says as I lower the toilet lid and sit down.

"Is she okay? That's the second time she's thrown up since she got on the bus." Cc says to Andy in the other room. "Yeah, she's okay, Cee." I hear Andy reply. "I just worry about her," Cc said back before Andy brought me my toothbrush and toothpaste. "Thank you," I say, taking the items from his hand. I begin brushing my teeth, trying to get the disgusting taste out of my mouth. "I think we should tell them soon, Cc is already worried about you," Andy says after a moment. "Can we wait until we get to the venue?" I ask with my mouth full of toothpaste. Andy nods. "We're about to stop at the store and I'll get you something to settle your stomach." I nod and finish brushing my teeth.

We get to the store, but while the guys go in and get what they want, I stay on the bus, sitting on the couch. I knew that I would eventually have to tell everyone about the pregnancy, I just didn't think it would be this soon. The guys take forever every time they stop somewhere. I just hope CC knows he is sharing his snacks with me, I'm a pregnant woman for crying out loud!

Once the guys get back on the bus, Andy walks to the bunk room with me before handing me a bottle of Pepto Bismol. I own some of it just before CC pops his head around the corner. "Raven, wanna share some cookies? You're eating for two after all." He says, a smile on his face. I shush him before looking over to Andy. "I said nothing." Andy defends with his hands in the air. "I figured it out on my own. Don't worry, I won't tell the others." CC says. I sign in relief and follow him to the snacks, feeling as though I could eat them all.

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