Chapter 5- Falling Apart

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     I had forgiven Andy for what I witnessed earlier. He didn't make a move on Juliet, she forced herself on him, so it wasn't his fault. We had made up, he explained everything to me, and then I let it go. Now we had made our way to the bedroom and things started to get heated. "Andy, don't tease me." I moan out as Andy kisses his way down my stomach. "Where do you want me then?" He asks seductively. "I think you already know," I say. "But I want to hear you say it." He says, coming back up to my neck and kissing my neck, going to my sweet spot, sucking and biting lightly, causing me to moan. "I want you inside me." I manage to say. Andy trails his lips back to mine before I feel him slip inside me and begin to thrust. I flip over so I'm on top and begin to rock my hips back and forth. Andy moans several times before I hear him mutter out, "Juliet." I freeze. "Do what?" I demand and he is snapped from his daze. "Baby, I'm sorry. I don't know where that came from." He says as I get up and start getting dressed. "Save it, Andy," I call over my shoulder as I walk downstairs and out of the house.

I run out the front door, but that's as far as I get before Andy grabs my wrist, spinning me around to face him. "Raven, please let me explain." He begs. "I said save it. You do still have feelings for Juliet, so why don't you just break up with me and go marry her?" I yell at him before snatching my wrist out of his hand and running to the other side of the road. Andy follows me, stopping in the middle of the lane closest to me. "Raven," He starts before I see the car coming right for him. I push him over before he can finish, pushing him out of the way of the car, and then before I can move out of the way myself, I feel the worst pain that I've ever felt hit my entire body at once.

*Andy's point of view*

Raven pushed me, knocking me to the ground. I looked back in time to see her get hit by the car she pushed me out of the way. The car just keeps going after hitting her and she hits the ground. I yelled as I quickly got up and went over to her, holding her in my arms, trying to revive her. I become hysterical when I can't get her to come up, her pulse is faint. I quickly grab my phone and call for help. "911, what is your emergency?" The dispatcher asks. "My-my wife was hit by a car, she's unconscious, I can't get her to wake up, I need an ambulance," I say into the phone. "What is your location?" She asks. I replay the address to her. "Okay, we'll have an ambulance there as soon as possible." She tells me. I say a quick thank you before hanging up and rocking Raven back and forth in my lap while still sobbing into her hair.

A few moments pass before an ambulance pulls up. The paramedics get Raven on a gurney and get her into the back of the ambulance, they let me ride with her. Everything around me seemed to stand still, all I was focused on was Raven. I was so worried about her. This never would have happened if I didn't still have feelings for Juliet. But do I have feelings for her as more than a friend, I mean, I guess I do. But I love Raven, she's my wife, I wouldn't have married her if I didn't love her. She's the love of my life.

Once we finally get to the hospital, they take Raven to the operating room and take me to the waiting room. I sit and think to myself, how could I have done this to my wife? I would do anything to keep her safe, yet I'm the one who hurt her, I'm the reason she's in here, fighting for her life. "Mr. Biersack." A nurse calls, snapping me from my thoughts. I walk over to her. "Your wife is still unconscious but she's in a room, you can see her now." She tells me before turning and leading me to Raven's room. I break down as soon as I see her, my beautiful Raven is covered in cuts and bruises and has tubes and wires coming out of almost every part of her body. She even has a tube down her throat, helping her breathe.

A few hours pass, long and dreadful hours full of nothing more than me sitting next to Raven, listening to the heart monitor that is hooked up to her, and hoping for her to wake up. I'm still sitting here, listening to the heart monitor. Then I heard something I hoped I'd never heard, the heart monitor picks up before she flat lines. Nurses and doctors run in, rushing me into the hall. I watch in through the window as they try to save her. Tears stream down my face like little rivers as I watch her life slipping away from her. "Please come back to me," I whisper. The doctors and nurses all back up and I begin to panic until I see that her back is glowing. The glowing scars on her neck and down her back. I gasped as a pair of black angel wings formed on her back. It's like music to my ears when I hear the heart monitor pick back up as she gasps.

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