Chapter 19- Unexplained

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    I wake up the next morning with Andy's chest against my back and his arm around me. I lay there, living in the moment for a couple of moments. Just as I was finding myself comfortable enough to fall asleep again, searing pain shot through my back, causing me to cry out in agony, waking Andy in the process. I shoot straight up into a sitting position. "Raven, what happened?" Andy asks, concern laced in his voice.

Once the pain subsided a few moments later, I was able to catch a breath and answer Andy. "I just got a really bad pain in my back is all, I'm fine," I say, still trying to catch my breath. I climb out of bed and throw on clean clothes. Andy comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my stomach. "Do you remember anything that happened last night?" I ask. "No, why?" He asks, his voice muffled in my hair. I turn around to show Andy my left arm, covered in bruises from last night. He gives me a confused look. "You were drunk when I got home, you accused me of cheating on you with Ashley because I was so late getting here. I tried telling you that I'd never cheat on you, you told me not to lie to you, asked if I had fun with Ashley, asked if he made me feel better than you do, grabbed my arm, and pinned it behind my back, pushed me up against the wall. I had to remind you that I was pregnant before you came to your senses, and then you broke down after the realization hit you. After that, I got you to bed and you passed out." I explain.

As if everything from last night came rushing back through Andy's mind, he just looks at me like he's afraid to even touch me. "I'm so so sorry," Andy says, his voice slightly breaking. "I'd never do anything to hurt you or the baby, I wouldn't want to. If that means staying away from alcohol, then that's what I'll do." Before I can respond, my phone rings. I sigh and look at the caller ID. "That would be my doctor," I say. "You should take that. I'll be back." Andy says before walking into the bathroom.

Andy's POV:

I shut myself in the bathroom as Raven answers the phone. Looking in the mirror, I just glared at my reflection, hating myself for what I did to Raven. It's bad enough that I hurt her, but I could've hurt her worse than I did, I could've hurt the baby. I'm never drinking again. I can't risk hurting Raven or our baby ever again.

Just then, Raven knocks on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Andy, I have to go to the doctor for a check-up on how the baby's doing." She calls through the door. "Okay, I'll be out in just a second," I call out. I have to keep it together and make sure I never put them in harm's way again.

Raven's POV:

Finally, Andy walks out of the bathroom. "You okay?" I ask him. "Yes, perfectly fine. Now let's go get our baby checked out." He says with a halfway convincing smile. I don't press further though. We pile into the car and head to the doctor's office. It's a quiet drive, but my mind is anything but quiet, and I know Andy is beating himself up over what happened last night, but I don't think anything I say would change that. So I just stay silent.

Once we get to the office, we sign in and immediately are put in a room. We aren't even in the room for a full five minutes before the doctor comes in. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Biersack, I'm Dr. Quinzel." The doctor says as she reaches out to shake our hands. "Hi, nice to meet you," Andy says as he shakes her hand. "So, do you know how far along you are?" Dr. Quinzel asks me as she takes a seat on the stool next to the examination bed. "I'm not sure. I just found out I was pregnant about a week ago." I answer. "Not a problem." She says while working with the equipment. She raises my shirt and squirts some cold gel onto my stomach before placing the wand on my stomach and moving it around.

"Well, Mrs. Biersack, you seem to be about seven to eight weeks pregnant, and you're having twins. Would you like to know the gender?" She asks. I look over to Andy and he nods. "Yes, please," I say. She moves the wand around a little more before she speaks again. "You're having a boy and a girl." She tells us. For the first time, I feel like this is happening. Dr. Quinzel puts the equipment away before wiping the gel off of my stomach. "I'm going to get you started on some prenatal vitamins, and I'll have you come back in for a check-up in about a month." She says. "Thank you." Andy and I say in unison. "Congratulations to you both." She says with a warm smile before leaving. "We're having twins..." Andy says sort of surprised. "A mini-you and a mini-me!" I say excitedly. "This is great!" Andy replies with a big, goofy smile plastered on his face.

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