Chapter 9- Show Your True Self

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    "If you keeping your wings hidden for so long is what caused the amount of pain you felt tonight, you need to let them be free more often. I don't want you to feel like you have to hide this from me. I want you to know you can show your true self around me. I certainly don't want you to go through pain like you did tonight, so promise me you'll give in to the urge more often?" Andy asks once we are back inside and lying in bed. "Okay, I'll try to 'give in to the urge' more often," I say with a chuckle. "Good. But I'm serious, no more hiding this around me. I'm not going to see you any differently. You're still my Raven, you're still my wife." Andy says as he leans over, placing a kiss on my forehead. I nod and we drift off to sleep.

I wake up the next morning with my back against Andy's chest and his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me to him. I slip out of his arms and walk down the hall towards the bathroom to take a shower. I turn on the hot water, and step in, letting the water run down my body and ease the pain I still felt in my back. I think Andy was right about me needing to give in and let my wings come out more often, so I won't have this pain every time I do let them out.

*Andy's point of view*

I wake up to hear water running in the bathroom, Raven must have gotten up earlier and gotten in the shower. I get up and pull my ripped jeans on over my boxers then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I smile to myself thinking Raven is up to something, I turn around, and immediately the smile drops from my face. "Juliet, what are you doing here and how did you even get in here?" I ask in complete shock. She smiles before saying, "I came here to give you one last chance to give in to your feelings for me before you lose me forever." "What are you talking about?! I told you, I don't have feelings for you any-" I'm cut off by her crashing her lips into mine. I pull away and see Raven in the doorway with a sad and hurt expression. "Raven," I begin but she runs off, I start to run after her, but I'm quickly pulled to a stop when Juliet grabs my arm. "You won't have to worry about her being in the way much longer. Then you and I can be together, as we should be." She says angrily. "For the last time, I don't have feelings for you! I'm going to find my wife and explain this to her, when I get back, you better be gone!" I exclaim. "If you don't have feelings for me, why did you say my name instead of hers when you two were going at it?!" She yells. "How do you even know about that?" I question. "That's not important." She answers nonchalantly. I shake my head before running out of the house to find Raven.

*Raven's point of view*

I get out of the shower and pull my clothes on before walking back to my and Andy's room. I'm stopped when I get to the doorway by what feels like a bullet to my heart as I see Juliet in my and Andy's room, with Andy kissing her. He looked over to me in the doorway, I'm sure my shock showed through my expression. "Raven," He began, but I didn't stick around to hear what he had to say. I ran outside and closed my eyes, concentrating on the heat in my back, I let it take over, and once my wings had fully come out, I flew up in the sky, flying faster than I did last time, I just wanted to get away. I fly over a wooded, forest area and see a tree hut in a small clearing within the woods. I swoop down and land on my feet before running into the cabin and closing the door behind me.

It's a little strange, I found the cabin empty and looking abandoned. I sat down against the door and started crying into my hands. I don't know why this affects me so badly, I saw Andy pull away from her as quickly as she kissed him. Maybe I'm overreacting, or maybe it's because I know Andy still has feelings for Juliet. I still hadn't told him about remembering that. Surely he's just going to go back to Juliet now though. No, Raven you can't think like that, it's not true. Andy married you, he loves you, not her. I tell myself. But I still can't help but weep at the thought of him kissing her. How did she even get into our house?

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