Chapter 22- Braxton Hicks

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    Andy and I were lying in our bunk, watching some TV show on Andy's phone. I was about half asleep. Andy was awake but barely. He was laid on his back and I was on my side next to him with my head laid on his chest. Andy was holding his phone with one hand so we could watch the show and had the other hand on my shoulder.

Sometimes while watching videos with Andy, I must have fallen asleep. Because I jolt awake to a sharp pain in my stomach. First, my stomach got tight like it was being squeezed, then it turned into feeling like I'd been stabbed. I let out a groan. "what's wrong?" Andy asks. "I think I'm in labor." I manage to get the words out while trying not to scream out in pain.

The next bit of time that passed was a blur. Things were happening so quickly. Andy tells Jinxx to drive to the hospital, arriving at the hospital, and being rushed back to a room, Andy explains what happened to the doctor, and the doctor runs tests. Everything was blocked out by the pain I felt in my stomach. It honestly hurt more than anything I'd ever felt.

Finally, the pain in my stomach stopped and things came back into focus. Andy was sitting in a chair next to the bed I was lying in, his head in his hands. I reach over and run my fingers through his hair, he snaps his head up. "Hey, are you okay?" He asks worriedly. I nod. "The pain subsided for now," I say. The doctor walks in at this point. "It was Braxton Hicks, false labor. You and your baby are fine." She says. I sigh in relief. "Thank you," Andy says while standing up to shake the doctor's hand. "You're welcome. Ma'am, you can go home as soon as a nurse comes in with the discharge papers." "Thanks, Doc," I say. She nods her head and leaves.

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