Chapter 8- My Fallen Angel

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     Once I got to the bedroom, I found that Andy was nowhere to be found. I turned around and he was right behind me. I gasp. "You startled me," I say. "What are you doing up?" He asks anger and concern in his voice. "I was outside, but I'm fine, I just needed some air," I say. "You tried out your new wings, didn't you?" He asks, now sounding more angered. I nod and drop my head down. "Raven, you have to take it easy for now. You will have plenty of time to try these things when you're better. I just don't want you to get hurt again, and I don't want you to feel like you have to hide these kinds of things from me." Andy says, letting his voice soften. "I'm sorry Andy," I whisper as a few silent tears trail down my cheeks. Andy pulls me against his chest, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I wince a little. "Careful, still sore," I say. "Oh, sorry," Andy says, loosening his grip.

A couple of days later, Andy had let me get up and move around a bit more since I was doing slightly better. I still hadn't used my wings again, I didn't want to risk getting hurt, or more so, I didn't want to worry Andy by taking any risks. Even though he's letting me do more now, he's still really overprotective. What he didn't know, since I hadn't let my wings reveal in a few days, they kept trying to make themselves known again. But anytime I would feel the heat on my back as they tried to appear, I fought the urge to let them do just that. I wanted to use them so badly, I wanted to use them and see what else I was able to do.

We were sitting on the couch as I was drawing and Andy was working on new lyrics when I felt the heat in my back again. I closed my eyes and quickly pushed the urge down, causing the heat on my back to slowly fade. "What's wrong?" Andy asked as I opened my eyes. "Nothing," I tell him. "Raven, I can see that it's something. What's going on? You know you can tell me anything." He says, pursuing me to tell him. I sigh, giving in. "Since I stopped letting them show, I've had a strong urge to use them again, to let them reveal. Sometimes the urge is stronger than other times and I have to get a hold of it to stop it." I explain. Andy looks at me with a concerned look. "Raven, what happens if you don't let your wings out if you keep them hidden all the time?" He questions me. I shrug. "I don't know, this is all new to me. You know as much as I do now that I've told you this." I say.

Later that night, more like around midnight, Andy insisted we go outside and I let my wings out. He was worried about what might happen if I continued to keep them hidden. I was worried about what would happen if I let him see me do this, but he insisted on being with me while I went through this. "Andy, you don't have to be here while I do this," I say for the millionth time tonight alone. "No, Babe, I told you, I'm not letting you go through this alone." He says reassuringly. I sigh, then I begin to feel the heat in my back, and out of habit now, I push the urge down. Andy steps closer to me and wraps his arms around my shoulders, resting his chin on my shoulder. "You don't have to be afraid to let your true form show around me. I love you for who you are, no matter what." He says and I feel the heat in my back again. Andy turns me toward him before pressing his lips to mine. He kisses me with more passion than ever, I kiss him back, equally full of passion as the heat on my back gets hotter by the minute. I'm too lost in the kiss to focus on my back though.

A moment later, I feel a sharp pain as my wings start to surface. The pain is so intense it causes me to scream, breaking the kiss. I drop to my knees in pain and feel my eyes start burning with tears. Andy drops down beside me. "Babe, what's wrong?!" He asks as he begins to panic. "Andy, my back!" I scream as the wings are finally out, then the pain dulls. I sit there, still on my knees, trying to even my breathing. "What was that? You didn't react like this last time this happened." Andy states, his voice full of concern. "I think it was just because I've resisted the urge to let them out for so long," I answer.

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