Chapter 18- Going Home

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   I'm going today

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   I'm going today. The few things I had with me were loaded up in a bag in the back of Ashley's car, I was sitting shotgun, texting Andy while Ashley drove. "I'm on my way now." I typed to Andy after he had asked me how long it would be before I got back. "Be safe. I love you." He texts back. I don't reply this time. I just put my phone away.

Sometime later, I woke up in the front passenger seat of the car. Odd because I don't remember falling asleep. I look around, seeing it's dark outside, how long was I asleep? I wonder silently. Ashley is driving down a road that I don't recognize. "What happened? Where are we?" I ask. "There was a roadblock, we'll have you home to Andy in about an hour," Ashley says with a bit of a smug look. That's weird. I texted Andy, telling him that there was a roadblock so I'd be home in about an hour. He never responded. Odd.

About an hour later, as Ashley had said, he was pulling into the driveway of my and Andy's place. "Thanks for the ride, also, thanks for letting me crash at your place," I say before stepping out of the car and turning to walk inside. As soon as I open the door, I see Andy sitting in the living room with no light on other than the light coming from the television. "Andy!" I exclaim. "Raven." He says as he gets up and walks over to hug me. "So, did you and Ashley have fun with your little roadblock?" The change in his tone confuses me, was he thinking I'd cheat on him with Ashley?

"I checked the roads, there wasn't a roadblock anywhere," Andy says as he steps a little bit closer to me. I back up slightly. "Talk to Ashley, I fell asleep. He said there was a roadblock when I woke up and didn't know where I was." I say, looking away. "Don't lie to me!" He snaps while grabbing my arm twisting it and pinning my chest to the wall with my arm pinned behind my back. "So tell me, did you have fun with Ashley during the little roadblock? Did he make you feel better than I do?!" He yells in my ear, pressing his body so close up against mine that my chest is against the wall. I can't move. I can barely breathe. "Answer me!" Andy snaps. "Andy, I promise you, I didn't do anything with Ashley. I wouldn't do that to you." I say, beginning to break down. "I fell asleep in the car on the way here, when I woke up, Ashley said there was a roadblock. I swear to you, I'd never hurt you like that." He pushes against me a little more, it becomes extremely painful. "Andy, I'm pregnant, remember!" I cry out in pain.

Like something had flipped in Andy's mind, he backed away from me quickly. I turn around to face him. He has a shocked and scared expression on his face like he didn't realize what he was doing. Stepping close to him, I see several empty beer bottles lying around the living room floor. That's what happened. I think to myself. "I'm so sorry, Raven," Andy says, now breaking down himself and wrapping his arms around my waist, laying his head on my shoulder and sobbing.

After getting Andy to calm down, I managed to get him upstairs and into bed. He was out like a light as soon as I got him into bed. I walk out onto the balcony and sit down, pulling my knees to my chest and letting my wings appear. I just wrap my wings around my body and I just like that for a while, allowing my tears to flow. Once I had calmed down a little bit, I decided to go for a midnight flight to clear my head.

Taking off, I don't even have to concentrate on what I'm doing. I find myself off in thought. Why would Andy think I'd cheat on him? Ashley told me he had feelings for me and I left. He has no reason to think I'd ever cheat on him. I don't know if it was the alcohol talking, or if that's what he thinks. I feel the tears running down my face, only then realizing how far away from home I am. I turn around to go home, but then my wings just disappear, sending me gracefully to the ground. Though thankfully, I land on my feet. I try to let my wings appear again but fail to do so. I can't figure this out. I slowly start to walk home, my arms wrapped around my body. Half an hour later, I walked through my front door. Walking takes so much longer than flying. Exhausted, I decided to get some rest.

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