Chapter 10- Kidnapped

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    Once everyone had packed for the tour, the guys had all agreed on meeting up at my and Andy's house. When the guys got here, Andy was on the phone trying to get extra security assigned to the venues we would be at to stay backstage with me while I watched them perform. I walked outside to greet the others while Andy finished taking care of business. "Hey, you guys." I greeted them with a smile. "Hey, Raven!" They all greet in unison. Jake came up, giving me a side hug, Jinxx did the same afterward, CC bumped my fist with his own before ruffling my hair, and Ashley was the last off the bus. He walked over and embraced me in a full-frontal hug. "You feeling better?" He asks beside my head, knowing I had been feeling a little weird after revealing to them that I'm a fallen angel. I nod my head.

Andy came out of the house then, greeting the guys. They each bumped their first with his before each of them bro hugged him. I chuckled to myself. "I call top bunk!" I call out. "What, we're sharing a bunk and I call the bottom," Andy says, flashing me a smile. I smile and roll my eyes. We all get on the bus before everyone claims their bunks. Andy and I ended up with the middle bunk on the left side, between Ashley and Jinxx. After we had been driving for a while, we all decided it was time to sleep before we got to the first location. So everyone climbed in their bunks while the driver kept driving.

We wake up when the driver tells us that we're at the first location. Everyone gets up and showers before getting ready for the first show. I sit on the couch waiting for the guys to get ready. Andy comes over once he is done getting ready, and sits next to me on the couch. "I've got extra security guards that will be backstage with you." He tells me. I smile and nod. I really couldn't wait to see the guys performing again. They always seem like they're in their element most while performing.

Once everyone was ready, it was time to go out on stage. I wished them luck and they each hugged me on their way towards the stage, Andy holding on the longest. "You're going to be late getting out there." I laughed while telling him that he didn't want to let me go and get on stage. Andy finally goes out on stage and they all begin performing. After a while, I have to use the bathroom, so I begin walking back to the tour bus. Halfway to the tour bus, I'm jolted to a stop by someone grabbing my hand. I turn around and see Juliet with a wicked smile on her face, then everything goes black.

I wake up in a dark room, my hands are tied up above my head and it feels like I'm on a bed. The door opens, revealing a bit of light and that's when I see that I'm in a bed. I looked up and saw that Juliet and some guy were standing in the doorway. "Good, you're awake," Juliet says while walking over to the bed, and then sitting down. "First you stole my man, then you married him, and now you've brainwashed him to the point he doesn't even remember how in love we were. Now you're going to pay for all the pain and heartbreak you caused me." She had a wicked smile on her face, honestly, it scared me. A lot. "Have at her, just make sure to cause her as much misery as you can." She says to the guy who is still standing in the doorway as she gets up and walks out.

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