Chapter 11- Weak and Exposed

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    After Juliet walked out of the room, the guy she had come in with walked over to the bed I was on and stared down at me for a long moment before muttering, "This is going to be fun." then he took a pair of scissors to my clothes, cutting them off. He shoves a cloth in my mouth before he begins unbuttoning his pants. I begin to panic, I attempt to scream, but it's muffled by the cloth. Tears begin to well up in my eyes as he climbs on top of me. I close my eyes and try to brace myself for what I knew for a fact that was about to happen.

He shoves into me, causing me to whimper into the cloth. Silent tears fall down my cheeks as he fiercely moved in and out, making sure to cause me as much pain as he possibly could, as though being kidnapped and raped wasn't painful enough already. I feel the heat on my back as my wings try to surface, only this time, I'm not in control of them. Once they've fully appeared, they attempt to wrap themselves around my body, only to be stopped by the man assaulting me as he stabs each wing with a knife, pinning them to the bed. I cry out in agony.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity of torture, the man above me gives one final incredibly hard and forceful thrust before climbing off of me.

*Andy's point of view*

After the show ended, I walked off stage with the guys trailing behind me. I look around and I can't find Raven anywhere. "Where's Raven?" I ask one of the guards. He looks around before he speaks. "She was just right over there, not too long ago. Maybe she went to the bathroom." He says. I begin to panic. What if Juliet knew we were playing here tonight and showed up? What if she has Raven with her? If she hurt her, I swear... Andy, chill. Raven's okay, she's probably just on the tour bus. I tell myself, trying to calm down and think rationally.

I walked away from the guys, going straight to the tour bus to see if Raven had gone there. I search through the entire bus, calling Raven's name, only to find the bus empty. So I try calling her phone, it goes straight to voicemail. I walked back to where the guys were. "Guys, Raven isn't here, I couldn't find her on the bus so I tried calling her cell but it went straight to voicemail!" I rush the words out, causing them to get jumbled. "Juliet." They all mumble in unison.

*Raven's point of view*

It hadn't been long at all since the man who was with Juliet left, when the door to the room swung open, revealing an amused-looking Juliet. She walks over to the bed, pulling the cloth from my mouth since the guy left it there. "Why are you doing this to me?" I ask her, finding it hard to speak with my mouth being so dry. "Because you took my man and brainwashed him. He doesn't even remember how in love we were, how much he loved me. It's because of you. It's all your fault!" She spat out at me before leaving the room. I swear I could have seen tears well up in her eyes before she left. She still loves him, she's doing this because he chose me instead of her. Somehow, I know this is true.

"Do whatever you want with her Chris, I don't care anymore! She got what she wanted, what I wanted. How could he choose her like that?! Let her go for all I care, if I hurt her, he'll just hate me more." I hear Juliet crying in another room. A moment later, the guy walks into the room with me, closing the door behind him. "Okay you little witch, Juliet tells me to let you go and if I was smart, maybe I'd listen to her. But she is my girlfriend, and you have caused her so much pain. I know she's still in love with Andy just as well as I know she's just using me. But I care about her, and I'm not letting you get away with hurting her as you did." He says, coming closer to me with some kind of whip in hand. "This is for all the pain you've caused her." She says while raising the whip in the air, then bringing it down quickly, hitting my skin with it, causing me to cry out in pain. He continues doing it, hitting me over and over, causing me to scream from the pain. This seems to go on forever, before he finally stops, walking out of the room, leaving me weak and exposed. I'm still in pain from my wings still having knives in them, holding them to the bed, now I feel the pain caused by what just happened as well. I break down crying uncontrollably. I wish Andy was here. He'd know what to do, he'd help me out of this. I find myself thinking as I lay there crying.

*Andy's point of view*

The guys and I walk back to the bus, double-checking to see if Raven might have stepped out and is there now before we go out looking for her. "Andy!" Ashley calls from in the bunk area. I walk over to him to see he's holding Raven's necklace which is the other half of mine, along with a note.


I know you still love me, if you find me, I will let your little play toy go, under one condition. You have to admit to yourself and me, that you still love me. I know you do, but she has made you forget how much you love me. She has brainwashed you, Andy. Why can't you see that? And if you won't be with me, I'll have to kill you, little fallen angel, once and for all. Maybe then you'll remember how much you love me.

Love, Juliet.

"We have to find her and stop Juliet from doing anything to her," I tell the guys. "But we don't even know where she could be." CC states. "I'm sure I could guess. Let's go." I say as I walk off the bus, all of the guys following close behind. We walk down a path through the woods. I know of a cabin Juliet used to love down this way, she used to spend so much time here when we were together. She loved this place so much, I'm sure she's got to be here. Jinxx stayed behind to get a car to meet us herewith, in case we needed a quick getaway. We reach the house and I walk in, the others stay behind. I quietly slip up the stairs and into the bedroom. I gasp as I see Raven tied up on a bed with a knife stabbed through each of her wings. I rush over to her, gently shaking her so as not to hurt her any more than she already is. "Raven." I loudly whisper. She opens her eyes.

*Raven's point of view.*

I wake up to Andy gently shaking me and calling my name. I open my eyes and see Chris coming up behind him. "Andy!" I say, trying to warn him, but it is so hard to speak. Chris grabs Andy, throwing him to the ground and climbing on top of him. He starts beating Andy badly. Finally, I got my voice to work. "S-stop it. Don't h-hurt him. Please!" I say, yelling at the end, but he continues beating Andy.

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