Chapter 4- Revenge

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      The next morning, I woke up with Andy's arm wrapped tightly around my waist, honestly, I loved being away with him, but it felt so good to be back in our bed again. "Wake up, sleepyhead," I say, turning over to place a kiss on the tip of Andy's nose. His eyes flutter open. "Good morning Gorgeous," Andy says, kissing me on the lips. "Good morning," I say, breaking the kiss. "Come on, you get dressed while I go make breakfast, I want to go say hi to the rest of the band," I say while getting out of bed and pulling one of Andy's Batman T-shirts over my head. "Okay, I'll call the guys and let them know we're coming over," Andy says as he starts to get dressed. I walk to the kitchen and start making bacon.

Andy comes up behind me while I'm at the stove finishing the bacon, snaking his arms around my waist and kissing behind my ear. "I finally get to call you my wife." He says before squeezing. "And I finally get to call you my husband," I say as I put the bacon on plates and hand Andy his. "Oh, I called the guys and we're all going to meet up at Jinxx and Sammi's house," Andy tells me once we've sat down at the table. I nod and smile.

After breakfast, Andy and I got in the car and drove to Jinxx and Sammi's house to meet the guys. Once we pull up in the driveway, we get out of the car and Sammi runs outside. "You guys! I've missed you both so much!" She gushes, running up and hugging me. "I've missed you too Sammi," I say, hugging her back. "Oh, the guys are all here, Ella's inside and we're having a party to celebrate you guys coming home!" Sammi says as if she had just remembered. "You don't have to" I begin, only to be cut off by Sammi. "No, don't start. We're having a party. Let's go!" She says, dragging me into the house. I look back at Andy for help, but he just stands there smiling. We walk inside and all the guys yell "Welcome back!" before surrounding us and hugging us.

Several hours later, it had started to get dark, but there was still a glow of light outside. Jinxx and Jake were grilling, CC and Ashley were with Andy by the fire, and Sammi and Ella were with me, not too far from the fire. "I'll be right back," I say to the girls with a chuckle before walking over to the cooler next to Andy to get a drink. "Hey," Andy says with a smile as I grab a soda can. "Hey," I say before wrapping my arms around his back, he snakes his arms around my shoulders and leans down before placing a long passionate kiss on my lips. "Hey, guys." We pull back as we hear that distinctive voice. "Juliet? What are you doing here?" CC asks. "Oh, I'm here to win back my man, considering Raven here, stole him from me." She says smugly. "Juliet, listen to me, Raven did not steal me. I chose her because I love her." Andy explains. "Andy, you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me. I know you're still in love with me and not her." Juliet says with envy in her voice. "No, I'm not. Juliet, I am in love with Raven and we are married, so you should just give up." Andy says, raising his voice a bit. Juliet starts to say something else, but Ashley and CC pull her away.

Later, after we left Jinxx and Sammi's house, we went home and I decided to take a shower to wash the stress from this evening down the drain. Finally feeling relieved of the stress, I turn the water off and get dressed before walking to my and Andy's bedroom. As soon as I walk into the room, I stop dead in my tracks as I see Andy kissing Juliet. I feel tears start to sting my eyes. Andy pulls back, looking over at me. "Raven, wait. I can explain!" He calls as I turn to run downstairs and out of the house.

I lean against the side of the house as tears stream down my face. "Raven!" Andy calls, running out of the house. "Go away Andy," I tell him. "Babe, I didn't kiss her, she pushed herself on me just as you walked in the room, I told her to leave but she didn't listen, and then you walked in the room. She left out the back. I love you, and I'd never leave you." He explains. "I know you wouldn't Andy. I guess it just hurt me so much to see you kissing her, that I didn't even think about anything other than the pain." I tell him. "So is there any way you would forgive me?" Andy asks, sounding hopeful. I nod. "Of course, I forgive you," I tell him.

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