Chapter 14- Please Help Me

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    I wait until Andy is outside before I go back in. Once I hear him outside talking on the phone, I go to our room and grab an old backpack of mine. I immediately begin throwing clothes and necessities into the bag. It isn't much, but it's enough to last me a few days at least. As I finally throw the last bit in and zip the bag up, I hear Andy getting closer to the room. "Hang on, I'll call you back later." Just then, he rounds the corner into the room. After taking in the sight, he begins to speak, "Raven, baby, you don't have to leave." he says in a soft tone, almost as though he's pleading with me not to leave. "Yes Andy, I do have to leave. At the very least I need some time to think, on my own.

Before I can process a thought more, Andy leans down, places his hand on the back of my neck, and connects his lips with mine. The kiss turns heated quickly. Andy sucks my lower lip into his mouth, gently tugging on it. A soft moan slips from my lips before I'm able to catch it. I pull myself from the trance I was in and pull back. "Please stay, Raven." Andy pleads, looking deep into my eyes. I feel myself begin to get lost in his ocean-blue orbs and force myself to look away. "I can't, I have to go. This isn't goodbye forever, I just need time." I whisper as a tear rolls down his cheek. I finally give in to the urge to kiss him just once before walking away. I crash my lips against him, it only lasts a brief moment before I pull back and walk away, quickly walking to the car and climbing in. Only once I'm in the car do I allow my tears to flow.

After I've been driving for close to a half-hour, my phone starts going off through the Bluetooth radio installed in the car. I press the button on the stereo to answer the call after seeing that it's Ashley calling me. "Hey," I say right after answering. "Raven, what's going on? Andy just called me asking if I'd spoken to you. He said that you left, saying you need the time or something. What's going on?" He asks. I let out a sigh before responding. "Juliet keeps popping up, I feel like she's getting into Andy's head. After what recently happened, I don't feel safe with her knowing where he is at any given moment. So I left, I told Andy that I needed time to think. I have to figure out what I need to do." I respond. Then I get a shooting pain in my stomach, causing me to cry out in pain. I pull over to the side of the road to let it subside. "What happened, are you okay?" Ashley asks immediately. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just got a pain in my stomach. I'll be fine. I'm going to the hotel two miles from Andy's. I'll call you when I get there. Bye." I say and without giving Ash a chance to reply, I end the call. By this time, my stomach has eased off, so I ease back onto the road and go to the hotel.

Once I finally reach the hotel, there's only one other person in the lobby, so I wait in line at the desk. It doesn't take long for the doorman to finish taking care of the lady in front of me. I inform him that I need a room for a couple of nights, and he gets my information and gives me a key card. I mumble a quiet thanks and start upstairs to my room. That was before I got hounded by at least a dozen teenage girls.

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