Chapter 7- The Dark Angel

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      I lay back on the bed as the nurses take x-rays of my ribs and all to make sure they are healing properly considering I broke a few ribs when the car hit me. I look up at the ceiling, then it's suddenly like I'm not in the x-ray room anymore. Everything is while to begin with, then I start to make out what looks like a person with long blonde hair and white wings walk over to me. I feel the pain in my back and reach around to find that a pair of black wings has grown from my back. It's very painful. "Hello, Raven." The woman in an elegant white gown with blonde hair and white wings says as she approaches me. "Where am I?" I ask her, not bothering to ask how she knew my name. "You're in Heaven, Angel. You died. It was very heroic what you did, pushing your husband out of the way of that car so he didn't get hit, and risking your life for him. I'm sad to say that you must go back. It is not your time, my dear one." She says. "I have to go back? You can send me back?" I ask her. She nods, then motions for me to follow her. We walk to a bridge that is very high about a lake. "Turn around, and allow yourself to fall backward." I oblige.

I blink and find myself back in the X-ray room, still on the bed. The nurse finishes taking x-rays, then helps me into my wheelchair before wheeling me back to my room where Andy was waiting. Andy comes over and he and the nurse help me to bed. I'm not supposed to stand much at all until they know if I have any broken ribs or anything. The nurse takes the wheelchair and leaves the room. Andy sits down beside my bed and takes my hand in his. "I have to tell you something," I say just barely audible. "What is it?" Andy asks, sounding concerned. "I remember dying. There was an angel who told me I died, but it wasn't my time. She told me I had to come back. She told me-" I stop for a moment. "What did she say? Tell me?" Andy pleads. "I'm a fallen angel, Andy," I tell him, avoiding eye contact. Andy gasps, covering his mouth. I try to lean forward but struggle to lean up. Andy puts his hand on my shoulder and helps me to sit up and I close my eyes. I feel as if my tattoo heats up as it comes to light. Then I feel my dark wings come out of my back. Andy jumps back in surprise but leaves his hand on my shoulder, still holding me up. "Beautiful." Andy breathes out. I take a deep breath and will the wings to go away, they slowly vanish leaving only a little dust particles behind. I lay back on the mattress again and look over, expecting Andy to be freaking out.

Andy sits back down in his seat, a look of awe on his face. "Aren't you the slightest bit freaked out by this?" I ask him. "No, of course not. I mean, I'm shocked, but if anything, I only see you as even more beautiful. I'm just glad that you're alive. I thought I would lose you forever." Andy says. How can he be saying this? I just don't understand how he is so calm about all of this, but what I do know is that even after what happened, causing us to argue like that, I still love him and I never want him to leave and I never want to do anything to hurt him. I smile and nod.

A couple of days later, they released me from the hospital, telling me that I hadn't broken any bones, so they told me to just take it easy for a few days because I had messed my internal organs up a good bit. So Andy has insisted I stay on bed rest for the next week. I know he means well, I'm just not used to being dependent upon anyone. I look over and see Andy asleep in the bed next to me. I quietly get out of bed and walk outside, Andy says I'm not supposed to walk much, he never said I couldn't fly. Which, I don't know if I can, but I'm about to find out. I close my eyes and feel my tattoo light up, my wings appear on my back. It takes me a few minutes to figure out exactly how to work them properly, but then I get the hang of it, before lifting off and flying higher in the sky. After a moment, I begin to soar through the air. I can't help but be giddy about this. I flip over and face the sky, throwing my head back and letting the wind blow my hair across my face. That is one of the best things to ever happen! I spent a few more minutes soaring through the air, then I went back inside.

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