Just a little?

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Yoongi POV
"You understand...right? Y-you can see how fat I am...you just won't admit it," I say, balling my eyes out into his chest.
He shakes his head, "You're so goddamn beautiful. I-we all wish you would see it."
"They don't give a fuck about me! You see...this is why. I-I do it because I want to fit in. You're all so thin and fit. I want to be thin. I want to be the smallest in the room," I say, removing my self from him. I stare down at my shaky hands as I lay them on my lap. I look at my legs.
Thunder thighs.
He puts his hand under my chin, and lifts it up to his level, "For the love of god, Yoongi. You're the reason I stopped hurting myself! You're worth a lot, okay? You're self worth isn't based on some fucking number on a scale. It's not aligned around how many calories you don't consume a day. It isn't circulated around you doing fifty pushups even when your body is deep into starvation and practically begging you to help it. Feed yourself. Let your body have food, the thing you know you crave."
"I-i don't crave...not any more. I don't ever want food. Even if it looks good...my mind just makes me feel empty and sick. When I eat, I just feel sick after. I throw it up. I can't keep my fucking food down," I say. I smash my fist shakily into his thigh, and grip it tight. I sniffle, and face plant into his chest once again.
He hugs me and rubs my back, "You're in pain."
"Aren't we all?"

~ ~ ~

Jimin POV

"What's taking them so long?" I mutter, as I look into the hallway. Yoongi's door is still closed, as it has been for the past hour. Him and Jungkook inside. What on earth are they doing? I sigh, and go back into my room, slamming the door.
Way to be drama queen, Jimin.
I groan, and slap my cheek. Hard. I shake my head, and stare off out of the window. I look at the sky. The birds. The sun. The clouds. I hope it rains. I hope it thunders. I hope lightening strikes me. Death seems like a good option right about, now.
~ ~ ~

Sorry this part is so short. But, enjoy! I'm trying to post as often as possible! So...almost daily. But it isn't very edited, so please tell me what you think of it or if I have any grammar mistakes and etc.
Xoxo, thanks for reading!

Anorexia, it kills - 01 ~ Yoongi X Bts ~Where stories live. Discover now