P o w e r O-N

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Yoongi POV

    "Come on Jimin," I say, holding the small forkful of of chicken to his face. Everyone at the table is staring at us, and it's honestly just giving me anxiety.

    "Babe, I'm not hungry," he grumbles, "I'm not hungry....don't force me to eat. Or I'll throw it up."

    I sigh, "No, you won't. You're going to eat this, mhm?"

    He shakes his head, "No, I won't."

    "Yes, you will," I urge, poking it into his mouth. He rejects it, and ejects it into his napkin, and sighs.

    His face drops, and he starts to cry into his hands, "I-i can't d-do it..." he says, "-T-too m-many calories, I-i just c-can't I'm s-sorry h-hyungs.."

    He gets up from his seat, and goes over to a seat at the other end of the private jet. My stomach flips, and I go over to Jimin, mouthing back to everyone, "I'll handle him, don't worry. Enjoy the meal." They all nod together, and I sit beside Jimin.

    "Jimin," I say, tapping his shoulder, "I'm sorry, but you know you have to eat. You're still too skinny. I'm telling you, and boss said so too, you need to gain a little more, okay? Only five pounds, babe, you and I know you can do it if you just eat more."

    He groans, "I know...but I'll be fat by then! I don't want to go back to that. Please, I'll do half of that, and that's my maximum."

    I give him a stare, and sigh, "If that's the best I can get out of you, for now, then fine. But you're eating dinner, and that's an order."

    "Kay, captain. You're pretty cute when you get all in charge," he admits, muttering the words softly underneath his breath, "Which is pretty often anyway..."

    I clench my jaw, "I'm gonna sleep."

    "Your eye bags have been getting intense..." he says, kissing my cheek, "Not bad! You always look amazing, but you just work to hard...for me. And for everyone. Please give yourself a break."

    I shake my head, "I need to continue."

    He sighs, "Fine, but don't be afraid to ask for help. We're here for you."

    I lay my head on his shoulder, and the two of us drift off to sleep peacefully. Some perfect harmony, in a perfectly imperfect world.

--- --- --- --- ---

Hoseok POV

I sigh, and lay a hand on my forehead. Second fever this week? You've got to be kidding me. Why does this keep happening?

"You okay?" Namjoon asks me, "Wait a second, can I feel your forehead?"

I shrug, "Yeah, sure."

He presses his soft lips on my forehead, like a mother does for a sick child. He is the leader of the group, stop fantasizing Hoseok! It's not worth it to even think about it! Even for s spit second in time! Aish...

"Burning up," he says, "You sure know how to catch a fever, hyung."

I giggle, "Yeah, go me. i guess hah."

"And you still remain positive," he laughs, "Worldwide positivity guy."

"Yah, and in worldwide handsome," Jin says, striking a quirky -but adorable- pose.


I feel like ships from me will get to intense and then all of bts will be dating each other in this. Istg; My next part of this is gonna be something like, 'Jinjoonhope, the threesome take over' 😂 I'm sorry
Ly all xx gn\gm/ge/ga/good day!

Anorexia, it kills - 01 ~ Yoongi X Bts ~Where stories live. Discover now