Help, Fevers, & Kisses

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~Third Person POV

Talking was hard, and not as simplistic as Jimin made it seem with the eye smile he gave Yoongi. Jimin rested his head against the backboard alongside Yoongi's, who was avoiding eye contact. "You believe that you are?" Jimin asks, feeling stunned and dazed. It gave him hope in helping him again.

Yoongi shuddered, inching closer to Jimin who quickly notified and engulfed into his warm embrace. "Jungkook and I spoke about it. I've heard things. And I look at myself in the mirror everyday. I'm guilty of it. I know it damn well enough. I just can't ever stop, and it's just torture. I don't know who I am, or who to be.." he sighed, pressing his forehead into the neck of the younger, "and I question why you love me too often. Too many times a day to even count and keep track of anymore."

Jimin remained speechless for a moment, and took in the words of his boyfriend. It tore at his heart, but he needed to hear these things in order to be of help. He nodded, caressingly his back lovingly, "I love you for you. Not for how you look, but for who you are. You're handsome, so I just got. A bonus feature paired with your personality." The elder smiled a little, stomach paining him from the inside since he hadn't eat properly in quite some time. He knew he'd be changing that soon, and for the first time, he wanted too.

"Hyung," Jungkook muttered as he bagged on the arm of his hyung, Jin. He was annoyed, the boy had been poking and fussing at him for a solid ten minutes. He'd had enough of it, so he just sighed and let the maknae speak. "I'm not feeling so great," Jungkook exclaimed quietly, then exiting the room and going into his and Taehyung's.

Jin was just confused, but he was too tired to do much about it. Besides, Jungkook had a boyfriend. They'd handle the issue, right

Jungkook hopped on the bed beside Taehyung who was looking through the contents of his bag that was placed in front of him. "What're you doing?" Jungkook asked shyly, moving his hair from his face. Jungkook's face was paler then usual, and his body kept making noises. He tried to blank and block them out by flickering the lights, and tapping on the white sheets. He stop flickering them, "oops, sorry babe." Taehyung chuckled, and shook his head, 'it's okay'

He pulled out a bottle of water, and tossed the bag into the corner. Taehyung placed the bottle on the night stand, and shifted to sit up straight. "You feeling ok?" He questioned, scanning Jungkook for a reaction. There wasn't one. He seemed blank. "No? Yes?"

Jungkook broke a smile, "I'm just tired. Why, do I not look okay?"

Taehyung shook his head, "you look amazing as always. But, just pale. Are you sure? Did you catch Hoseok's fever?" He knew it's might be, well, a little impossible. But you never know, Taehyung has caught a virus from Jimin several weeks after he'd caught it and gotten over it. It was easily possible.

Jungkook bit the edge of his lip, stopping it from quivering. He thought it made him seem like a baby. Taehyung just thought it made him human. "He has that a while ago," Jungkook proclaimed, trying his best to sound confident and persuasive to his boyfriend. Taehyung still didn't buy it. The glint in Jungkook's eyes told him something else.

"I can make you some tea. We probably have in the room, or the lobby may have some. We could get some room service?" he questioned, and Jungkook felt guilt bite at his abdomen. Jungkook didn't want to burden Taehyung with something as stupid as being sick. It wasn't pointless, nor dumb, but he believed it to be. "No, no," Jungkook said, scooting away from Taehyung, "I don't have anything, so there isn't anything to do about nothing. Right?"

Taehyung just laughed, "did you know that you loose a couple brain cells when you get sick, babe? I think that notion is coming into action right now." They both knew that was no where near being true. "Love, I'm fine," he said in a quiet voice.

Taehyung leaned closer, but Jungkook scooted back each time he inches himself closer. This was a clear indication that he was not 'perfectly fine.' Far from it. "Okay, stop. I don't want to.." Jungkook croaked, clasping a hand over his mouth, Taehyung's lips parted into a pout. "Ah Koo..." he sighed, quickly hugging him before e younger could even protest against him in the slightest.

"S-stop," he said in a whisper, hating how he sounded out of it while he was sick. It felt nice, so he stopped protesting when Taehyung fell silent as well.

Peace took over the room.

• • •

Dinner came by quicker then they thought. Almost everyone had worked up a heavy appetite, and long awaited room service arrived. The man walked in with the cart of food. He set it in the dining table, and Taehyung tried to talk to the American man.


"Hello Sir," the man said kindly, eyes meeting with Taehyung's. He looked back to the table, and continued setting down the trays of food.

"Do you know BTS?"

The members choked on air, since they weren't eating yet. The corners of Yoongi's mouth turned up. A laugh escaped his mouth. "Taehyung, just let him do his thing doing that. I'm sorry," Yoongi said, and the man nodded.

"It's okay," he said, placing the last plate of food down. He rolled the cart out, and said his goodbyes. Taehyung said goodbye the loudest of everyone, and the door shut quickly after.

Jungkook's red cheeks clashed with the newly present paleness of his face. He hugged Taehyung by his side, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Did Jungkook catch a fever?" Hoseok asked, as they sat at the table.

Jungkook pouted, "Hyung!!!" he croaked, cupping his hands over his mouth again. Of course, when he forgets it's when he speaks. He mentally curses himself for that

"Whoops," Hoseok said, opening the plate of nachos with beef and cheese, "did you just order the whole menu?" Heads turned to Jin who blushed a little. "Maybe? We don't get this food that often so I thought why not? There's variety, and we'll have left overs for the next few days.." he quirked our, giving a nervous smile to Namjoon. He just nodded, placing his hand atop of Hoseok's. They grimaced at each other, before quickly proceeding back to their food.

Jimin ate the chicken slowly, watching the over members closely as they talked.

"I wonder what's set for Run BTS tomorrow.." Taehyung says, "are you sure they didn't tell you? And you just forgot?" Namjoon looked a little stunned at the question, and the sudden excitement and energy Taehyung has been radiating ever since they got off the plane.

With an odd smile at Taehyung, he assured him that he knew nothing. "I just know we need to dress cozily, but who knows? I don't. They want to surprise us. It's not irregular that we aren't told what it is, Tae," he said. Taehyung pouted, receiving scattered laughs corn the members.

"I feel like we haven't practiced in a while, is that just me?" Hoseok asked no one in specific, "we've been having so many more filming things, interviews. I don't know, it's just not as often."

Yoongi picked at his food. He didn't want to eat. He didn't want to gain weight. He didn't want to have anything in his system. He just wished he hasn't promised Jimin. That was the only reason why he shoved some food down his throat.

He'd throw it up later anyway..



Happy New Year!!

I wish you all the best!

I love you all!

Thanks for reading!

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