Last of My Days...?

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Taehyung POV

I sigh, banging my head into the wall, "You alright Tae?" Namjoon says, poking his head into my room after hearing the loud bang.
I bite my lip in the pain, "Y-yeah. I-I'm just studying English, just frustrated."
"Ah...That's all?" He asks, looking at the Duolingo on my screen, chuckling slightly.
I blush, "Yea, that's all Hyung~"
"You hungry though Tae? You didn't have anything today, which is totally unlike you," He says, muttering small snippets of his words.
I sigh, "Sit on my bed." I pat the spot beside me, and tilt my head to the side, ever so slightly.
He smiles, and takes a seat, "What's going on TaeTae?"
I pull out my phone, and go straight to photos, showing him a folder of photos. I gulp, and click on one.
Jungkook POV

I sigh, "Jin."
"Kookie?" He says, typing rapidly on his laptop, his soft eyes meet mine.
"Tae hasn't talked to me. Nor Jimin, and Yoongi," I say, "I-I don't want to loose them..."
"Look Kookie, it's okay. You've got me, I love you. Okay?"
"I love you too but, I'm so sure I've fallen from Tae..." I mutter, "Is falling in love always this scary Jin hyung."
He nods, "Yeah, but Tae could break your heart."
"Fuck!" I hear Namjoon scream, -well I'm pretty sure it's him, according to that heavy American accent that's being held.
"Should we check?" I ask, getting slightly worried after the loud sound.
He shakes his head, "No, he'll blast text us if it's something he needs us to know."
I shrug, "Mkay Jin.." I fiddle with my small fingers, "Yeah Yeah Yeah..."
Jin lifts his sleeves up, "I'm thinking of getting the word ARMY tattooed by my elbow."
I tilt my head, "Sounds cute."
"Do you think it's a good spot?" He says, "I can't even see my elbow myself."
I laugh, starting to sweat heavily, "That's your biggest concern? Then don't do it there. Get it along your wrist? Or, maybe the palm of your hand!"
He shrugs, "Maybe...but maybe in a few months. When I have time. We have our interview soon..."
Taehyung POV

I sit in my hotel room, door locked, and seated at the very back of the bed. My head places between my knees, and my eyes dried of tears to cry.
Was it the right idea to show Joonie? Is he, going to tell everyone? W-what if he boast texted them...I'll be dead meat.

@ Kim Taehyung

Seokjin, Jungkook, Mom Yoongi, and 20 000 359 others liked this post Kim Taehyung Live your days like they're your last

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Seokjin, Jungkook, Mom Yoongi, and
20 000 359 others liked this post
Kim Taehyung
Live your days like they're your last.
Are mine near end?...
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Kim Taehyung DMs


Tae, don't you dare do anything stupid.

Because, I swear to god if you do. I will do something.
Read 10:35 pm

Min Yoongi

Hey Tae, you doing okay? Your last post was a little off looking. Just making sure you're alright, and haven't done anything bad.
xx <3
Read 10:38

Tae, your life is NOT coming to an end. Open up. Let me in.

Tae, if you're doing something, Namjoon will break down the door. WE DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT REPLACING THE FRICKIN' DOOR

Ew I'm aggressive.

Love you Tae <3 Cry all you need, it's okay. Just don't hurt you..
Read 10:40


Is TaeTae okay? <3 I love you, you're amazing Tae. I just want to let you know that being in a dark void is hard. But you're not alone hyungie~
Read 10:42


Open your door so I can cuddle you to sleep uwu

That was intense, my bad cutie :3

I want a happy Tae! <3

Open the door Tae, everything is not okay and it's clear now.
Read 10:45

Park Jimin
Are you Okay?


What's going on?

I'm going to ask Namjoon

He won't tell me :(

I'm a sad puppy

Taeeeee answer me!

Fine, maybe if I tell you something you'll answer me. Maybe? Let's just try, I guess. Lol I'll feel so dumb after because it's stupid. But anything for you hehe..

Answer me I don't want to tell you :((((


Oof that didn't work D:

TaeTae...I love you sm <3 I hope you're okay. I can hear you crying through the wall. You're beautiful when you cry, because happiness requires pain. But you pain yourself too much. I think I understand what you're going through. And I'm sorry, you don't deserve pain or any hurt at all. You deserve all the best of love and happiness..please don't hurt yourself. Don't call yourself bad things. Don't scar yourself. Don't let the voices attack you. If you're hungry there's a bowl of rice in the mini kitchen of the room. You must be hungry because you haven't eaten all day. TaeTae I don't know what being hungry is anymore but I know you must be now. I luv u <3 sorry for annoying you but I'm just worried, Jimin instincts heh...
Read 10:50



This is so bad but it's not my is but I'd rather blame the fact that it's 12:00 am now and this is kind of feelings-ey. But wow so cool...
<33333 heh

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