Numbers, cries, and a sudden relapsing.

209 6 0

Yoongi POV

I smile crookedly at the numbers that have dropped within the past two weeks. Ji still isn't happy with it. She'd like me down more, and as Ji says, I do. If I don't do as she says, I get cut. One, two, three, four. More, sometimes. I've learned to just listen to her, because if I listen, I get skinny. Right? That's what Ji and I want.

Glancing at the time on my watch, I cuss under my breath, quickly making my way to the door, and racing down the hall to the door, pushing past it. Everyone was waiting for me, outside of the car.

Such a burden you are, Yoongi.

I'm sorry you told me to wei-

Don't fucking blame this on me you fat pig! Your number wasn't even low enough, god Yoongi. 93? It's like you just eat your feelings, but you're meant to have none. Be. Emotionless.

E-emotionless? That's not possible...

Make it, fatty. You need to loose this  monstrous weight!


I sigh, holding onto my side as it cramped. Cramps? Seriously, way to make my day even worse and more dreadful to go through.

Jimin links his arm on mine, kissing my cheek softly, "Yoongi, we need to talk." I know that tone of voice. He's going to leave me. Jimin, is going to leave me. I'm going to loose Jimin. My love. My life. My boyfriend, my everything. A tear streaks my cheek as we enter the large SUV, and I sit in the back with Jimin and Jin. Resting my head on the window, I ignore him as he calls my name over and over. I have concluded that I'm going to loose him and I just can't take that right now. I just can't.

"Yoongi," he says, wrapping his arm around my waist, "we need to talk, baby. I'm serious." he notices my tears. "Hey, hey, why are you crying, baby?" he asks, wiping them off with his thumb. Jimin sighs, as I remain unresponsive towards him. I have words to say, but they just won't come out properly.

"I-i'm sorry y-you want to l-l-leave me," I manage to get out, as I stop the tears from flowing down my face any longer. I look at him dully, as he frowns at me shaking his head on and on. I begin to pant, gripping onto my side as I do so. God, cramps and the pain from starvation and all; it all really hurts altogether, especially when my boyfriend is also breaking up with me. A panic overcomes me, but as perfect Jimin always does, he rubs my back managing to calm me down within the minute. He didn't even say a word, he just did it.

Third Person POV (I'm getting so used to it, and i know most people seem to like it so here it is~)

"Yoongi, why do you think I would ever leave you?" Jimin asked, as he looked at his boyfriend with concern. Yes, of course Jimin had noticed Yoongi had lost even more weight again. He was planning on confronting him today about it, but it seems that Yoongi had suspected it to be something else. Even if that something else, to Jimin at least, seemed to be palpably impossible; but Yoongi had managed to let it get in his head.

"B-because I'm me," he sniffed, remembering what Ji had told him. No emotions. Crying, was pure emotion. Yoongi just couldn't handle it though. He just had to throw Ji's words down the gutter, and had a new section of cuts to 'look forward' to once he were to arrive in Los Angeles, their next location. A few interviews, and filming for Run BTS.

"I love you for you. Yoongi, I wouldn't ever leave you. That's not what we need to talk about," he said, as Yoongi watched the cars on the street. His shoulders rose and fell as he took on uneasy breaths, trying to stabilize himself. "Do you want to talk about it on the plane then, Baby?" Jimin asked Yoongi in a hush voice. The elder just nodded, and Jimin put his hand in Yoongi's, squeezing it, but not too hard. "I love you," he said, as he then turned his face towards Jin.

"Taehyung-Ah," Jin complained, as Taehyung smiled at himself in his camera with Jin's glasses on. It really warmed Jungkook's heart though to see this, his boyfriend; loving himself. Even if he didn't say it aloud, shout it out, it still meant a lot to him even if it was a small action. Taehyung handed the glasses back, and rested his head Jungkook's shoulder. Jin turned towards Jimin and Yoongi, and Jimin nuttier his face in Jin's chest. His head hurt from thinking too much at once. "Yoongi," he uttered from his chest, the words muffled but Jin mamaged to hear them.

"Hey, hey, Jimin," Jin said, rubbing his back as it had tensed up, "what happened with you and Yoongi?" He looked over at Yoongi, and nodded, noticing that yes. Yoongi, he relapsed. He relapsed really hard. Jimin sat up and just looked at Jin, "I don't want to loose him," Jimin choked out, Jin nodding because he understood. No one wanted to loose Yoongi. Honestly, who would want to loose him? He was amazing, inside and out. "Jiminie, you won't okay? Is he relapsing?" Jin asked, Jimin nodded hesitantly as Jin's expression turned slightly broken up, "I'm sorry Jimin, I'll help? I am his hyung after all, and..."

"You're good at helping," Jimin added, hugging Jin, "are you doing good though? I don't want you to use this remove yourself from you.." guilt burned in Jimin's throat, as he waited the few seconds Jin took to reply to him. "I'm doing good, I promise. Have you looked at the history on the scale?" Jin asked, Jimin was confused. "There's history on it?" He questioned, eyes widening as he realized that there was, "fuck, I should've checked it! I'm so stupid. But it's fine, but I c-can just confront him and then he'll b-be caught and I'll, we'll help.."

"Calm down, okay ChimChim?" He said, feeling awful about the whole new relapsing situation, "we are going to handle this differently, okay?" Jimin modded, wiping his tears stained eyes and cheeks with the palm of his hand.

Jin explained his plan for the rest of the drive to the private jet to Jimin. They were going to start on the plane.

As they arrived Jin whispered to Jimin, 'lets do this Jiminie'

Cringing, they fist bumped, as Jimin then out his hand in his boyfriends as they went on the plane.

Anorexia, it kills - 01 ~ Yoongi X Bts ~Where stories live. Discover now