Darkness and Light

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Yoongi POV

I grip the fat of my stomach in the mirror. "I'm still so big..." I mutter. I push two fingers down my throat, and let stomach acid exit my empty, and now even emptier stomach. "Why won't anything work?!?" I scream in a hush voice at myself.
I stare at my ribs in the mirror. My pulsing our collar bone. Well, I didn't see the part about me being really fucking boney . I just saw fat. A huge stomach. Huge legs. Huge arms. Fat.

~ ~ ~

"Yoongi!" Jimin says, as he tightly hugs me as I enter his room. These past few days he's been...clingy? But I-i love him...a lot. In, a way that I want him to be my boyfriend. But, I feel like Jungkook has feeling for me. And Jimin too...fuck. Love triangle? No, I'm just a live target. Somehow. I like them both...which makes it hard. But Jimin more, right? Or, Jungkook? I don't even know!!
"Aw hey," I say, sitting with him. He pats his lap, and I gulp as I sit on him. He can feel how fat I am. I'm so embarrassed.
"You're very boney, Yoongi. I'm worried," He says, his adorable little smile fading as he hugs me. "You're too skinny, bab- I mean Yoongi."
"Call me that," I say, gulping, "Jimin...I like you. As more then a friend." I clench my chest, and then lean onto him. I hug him tight. Not a single care in my mind but hugging him as hard as I can.
"I like you too," he says, his smile widening, "I want you. No, need you."
I blush, "Then I'm yours." I kiss his cheek, and smile, as his cheeks flush a cute shade of pink.
~ ~ ~
Sorry this is so short :/
I didn't have too much time to write, and inspiration isn't really flowing atm

Anorexia, it kills - 01 ~ Yoongi X Bts ~Where stories live. Discover now