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Taehyung POV

The flight felt endless, but it was nice. I was cuddling Jungkook, and he kept whispering affirmations in my ear. It was something different, but I liked it. I liked having his attention, and not everyone's eyes on me. I've made that pretty clear for this past week, I hope.

"I love you," he whispers lastly, kissing my cheek, "So much, TaeTae."

I smile, "I love you too."

_ _ _ _ _

We get off the plane, and get driven to the hotel. "Oooooooh Canada!" Hoseok sings, his voice sounding quite sick, but still cute. Hoseok is always so energetic, all the time. Even when he's scared, it's adorable.

"It's been a few months since we were last here," Namjoon says, "I honestly like Canada, other then the cold."

"It's winter!" Jimin says, "So it's suppppppeeeeeerrrr cold!!"

Yoongi makes a confused look at his boyfriend, then rolls his eyes. Then I remember, 'Ah...they fought earlier...I should talk to him.'

I take Jungkooks arm off my shoulder, and walk by Yoongi, "You d-doing alright?" I ask him, afraid to hit any nerve in him. Explains my stutter, I guess.

"Oh- Taehyung," he says, a small smile forming on his seemingly fragile face, "I'm doing alright, Jimin will forgive me later."

"I know, but, what exactly did you do?" I ask.

He gives me a look, and I immediately face plant into my hands, "You don't have to tell me, hyung."

"I wouldn't let him talk about me," he grumbles out, "It's so annoying because, I hate talking about me. Especially about my weight, appearance, habits. Yada yada, it's just a waste of time. I know how to take care of myself. It's like...I'm not dead aren't I? So don't keep talking about that stuff, it aggravates me. I think he also thinks I'm mad because he was hardly giving me any attention as well..but I'm not mad about that."

"Are you sure you aren't mad about that?" I ask, making a face at him.

He shrugs, "I don't know, Taehyungie. No- I don't think I am, I respect him and myself to not get mad about that. Especially not hours later!"

I chuckle, "Just give him some time, and don't stress it. But if you start to...just come to me."

He nods, "Yeah, thank you. But how have you been?"

I look over at Jungkook, expecting some death stare at me and Yoongi. But no, he looks happy to see Yoongi and I talking. What a great boyfriend~

"Good," I say, "I'm getting out of my dark place, hyung!~"

He smiles, "Good. You better get over to Jungkook. Or I'll get murdered by Jimin."

I look over at Jimin, who still seems pretty pissed at Yoongi. I feel bad, but I know to listen to Yoongi. His opinion is very important to me, in situations percisley like this one.

I walk back to Jungkook, and hook my arm around his, "I'm back bunny~"

He blushes, "I love that nickname, TaeTae."

I grin, "As expected, Bunny."

He blushes harder, "Ahhhh~ stop ittttt."


_ _ _ _ _


gn/gm <3

Anorexia, it kills - 01 ~ Yoongi X Bts ~Where stories live. Discover now