im better off anorexic, huh?

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Jungkook POV

I hold tightly onto Taehyung's hand, and let out a light breath.

"What're you thinking about?" Taehyung asks me, my head remaining fixed on the moving objects outside the car we're now in.

"Just," I say, biting my lower lip, "Worrying."

"About who?" he asks, letting out a small yawn. I wanted to tell him, but then would he worry about me? I don't want anyone to worry about me!

"Ah, it's nothing important TaeTae," I assure him, planting a quick kiss on his cheek, "What about you? What's going on in that gorgeous brain of yours?"

He blushes, "Ah stop it~ I was honestly just thinking about how dinner is gonna go. Especially with Jimin and Yoongi, I know they're both doing better but I still think about it. It's silly, I kn-"

"I was worrying about that too, Tae," I say, smiling softly as I turn towards the window, "But what's the point in worrying when there isn't really something to truly worry about?"

"You do have a point there," he chuckles, "Any who, i'm really hungry. Can't this car move any faster? Can we teleport?" he clenches his hand onto my sweater, and I shake my head at him. Sometimes he says the most, unconventional things. Not that I mind it that much, I'm just unsure of where it comes from.

"The restaurant isn't too far," Jimin says, butting into the conversation, "And the food is quick! It takes maybe five minutes after ordering to get the food."

"If only I could cook that fast," Jin sighs, making a little pouty face at the window.

"There's a whole crew though cooking're one person," Jimin laughs, almost falling out of his seat.

"Babe buckle, you're going to fly out the window or something if you don't," Yoongi says, "Don't be so stupid. And Jin; you cook fast enough, but you can ask us to help sometimes. It's okay to ask for help."

"Says you," I mutter, letting hot air from my mouth onto the cold window. I draw in the fog, and smile faintly at the result. I wipe it off, realizing how childish it is. Hope no one saw that, or heard that.

"What was that kook?" Jimin says, looking at me with glaring eyes, "What did you just say to Yoongi?"

I roll my eyes at Jimin, and look away. I huff escapes my lips, as I glance back over to the window. It just seems really interesting today, yeah.

"Baby are you o-"

'No one talk to me'

We all gather around the table, and Jimin looks overly happy about the restaurant. I pick up the menu, and stare down at the options. The words seem to be moving all over the page, and my head begins to pulse. I can hardly read the words. I throw my aching head up in frustration, and close my eyes. 

I hear light whispers, along with a certain someone named Jimin, whispering, "Don't even bother asking him. He's a little bitch."

I gulp at his words, them becoming a shock to my system. I don't hesitate to leave the table, and run to the washroom, shutting the door after me, and making my way to the sink.

I steady my hands on the sink, and look up into my blurry appearance in the mirror. I blink, and it becomes a bit clearer. My breath hitches, and I look completely fine other then my tear stained eyes. But, why do I feel so awful now? And not only because of fucking Park Jimin.

I sit down not too long after, and Taehyung just stares at me. No, everyone stares at me. I can just feel them piercing into me.

Anorexia, it kills - 01 ~ Yoongi X Bts ~Where stories live. Discover now