Chapter 2

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"So are you going to tell me what happened?" Harry asked. His voice was soft but I knew better than to believe his voice. He was angry, not at me but at Kevin.

We were both sat on my bed watching tv. Harry ran a hand through his curly hair and sighed. Frustrated Harry was the worst.

"Harry, nothing happened, okay? I promise." The lie slipped through my lips way to easily. Lying to Harry wouldn't help anything, he could see right trhough me.

"Bella, obviously something happened. Just tell me, please," He said, trying to keep his voice leveled.

"Just drop it, I don't want to talk about it," I said, raising my voice.

"I'm just trying to help you, Bella," He snapped, matching the volume of my voice.

"You know damn well that I don't need your help."

"You're a wuss!" He yelled.

"Screw you!" I yelled.

"You're a wuss and a coward and i'm done trying to help you."

"Get out."

Hurt flashed in his eyes. This was our normal though. We fought, didn't talk for days, make up repeat. It was our routine.


"Just go," I said, turning the tv up.

"No, listen-"

"Leave!" I groaned. He left without looking back.


"I have no idea why you didn't dump him, Bells," My friend, Liam said. Liam is one of my good friends who replaces Harry when we fight.

Another person that Harry hates basically. Most of my friends are people that Harry hates. And all of my friends may or may not be boys.

"I don't know, Liam. He wasn't that bad to me, was he?" I asked.

"Well, Bells, you did seem to be very miserable in the relationship if i'm honest," He sighed, running a hand down his face.

Liam was the type of person who didn't like to hurt people's feelings and that is why we got along really well.

"Just tell me the truth, Liam. I can take it I promise," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, I think that he was an asshole and you were his slave," He said with a grimace. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Maybe you're right, maybe I was his slave but I was too blind by my infatuation to notice," I nodded. "You're right."

"The truth hurts, Bells," He smirked.

Liam and I were sitting at a cafe drinking our ice tea when I saw green eyes staring into mine. "He's here," I whispered.

"What?" Liam asked, totally oblivious to my discomfort.

"Harry is here, hide me!" I whisper yelled.

"Oh, suck it up," He muttered, pulling out his phone, typing away.

"Liam, I don't want him to-"

"Bella," A deep voice said. I looked up and none other than Harry Styles was standing in front of our table. "Liam," He nodded.

Liam looked up, and gave him a small nod.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, usually at this time, 4:00 pm, he was at work. "I thought you had work."

"I got fired," He shrugged. Now that shocked me, Harry was dying to work at Chucky Cheese's and when he got the job he was so excited. Now he got fired?

"I think i'll leave ya'll to it, yeah?" Liam said, looking at me as if to ask 'will you be okay?'.

I nodded, as he smiled sympathetically and headed out the door, the bells ringing loudly as he did so.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Bella, nothing happened, okay? I promise," he snapped, saying my exact words from yesterday.

I sighed, knowing he had right to snap at me like that. "Alright, i'm sorry, okay?"

He rolled his eyes at me. "Whatever, Bella. This our routine anyways, yeah? You get a boyfriend, we fight, then make up, repeat."

"What do you want me to say?" I asked, feeling guilty for some reason. Harry looked down at his lap playing with his normal black long sleeve shirt.


Harry's POV

She was using her small, vulnerable voice. I looked up at her and shrugged.

She had asked, "What do you want me to say?" I wanted to say, "Say you love me more than anything." But I didn't, I couldn't.

"I just want to put this behind us," I finally said ignoring the hurt I felt knowing she would never love me.

"Okay, let's go home," She grinned. I pushed a smile at her know. Good thing I'm good at masking my emotions.


"I won, again," Bella said, flatly. We had been playing cards since we got to her house from the café. We always play cards together, something we used to do since we were young kids.

I was so distracted by her hair and face that she kept winning. "Sorry," I mumbled, still not fully paying attention.

"Are you even trying?" Bella asked slapping me in the face lightly.

"Yeah, yeah, lets go again," I said finally snapping out of my trance when she slapped me.

She shook her head and smiled, cleaning up the cards on the floor. She was wearing her big nerd glasses and her hair was tied into a messy bun. It was kind of adorable.

"What're your plans for tomorrow?" I asked casually.

"I'll probably hang out with Liam," She shrugged. "Why? What're your plans?"

"I'll probably go to a party with Zayn and Louis." Zayn and Louis being two of my friends that Bella doesn't like. My tatted friends, who like to smoke and party all day and night. She never liked when I went out with Louis and Zayn, she never liked Louis or Zayn period. Most of the time I came home either drunk or high or both.

"I don't like it when you do that," She mumbled.

"Do what?" I asked knowing exactly what she was going to say.

"Go to parties and get drunk." She threw the deck of cards on the bed. "It makes me nervous."

"I'll be fine, you know Zayn doesn't drink so he drives," I said reassuringly. It didn't seem to convince her but she didn't say anything against it.

"Alright, whatever you say." She hopped on the bed with a sigh. I followed her action and laid my head on her shoulder.

"Don't worry..." I sang quietly. I nudged Bella for her to start singing.

"About a thing..." She sang, her voice soft. I could tell she was tired and wanted to sleep.

"Cause every little thing is gonna be... alright," I finished. "I hope."

Sloths are great, sloths are cool. Please read Nine's a Crowd if you haven't already. Bye 👋

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