Chapter 21

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I opened my eyes to find the spot next to me empty. It didn't surprise me, the way I snapped at Jane last night was uncalled for.

I slowly get out of bed. I pick up my shirt and pants off the floor cringing at the amount of pink feathers on my pants.

I walk through the halls until, finally, I find the bathroom. I go in and wash up before going downstairs. I enter the kitchen where Mrs. Lerman is sitting at the large counter reading a magazine. When she notices me she smiles but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

I frown at the fake smile but she goes back to her magazine. That was a little weird. I look around the kitchen a bit before Mrs. Lerman told me I could have some cereal.

She was ignored me when I trued to make eye contact. I had to ask what the problem was. "Mrs. Lerman, did I do something wrong?"

She looks up from her magazine raising an eyebrow at me. "You tell me."

"What do you mean?" I asked completely befuddled.

"Jane was crying last night. She came into John and I's room last night. John ended up sleeping in one of the guest rooms."

The only reason I snapped at Jane last night was because I made her upset and now she is upset because I wouldn't tell her why I was upset when really the reason I was upset was because I made her upset. Confusing, really.

I now I managed to make her whole family upset. "Did she- I mean, did she tell you why she was crying?" I asked.

"Harry, darling, she didn't need to tell us," Mrs. Lerman replied. She motioned for me to come and sit next to her.

I obeyed and sat next to her around the counter. "Emma told me some... things last night."

"Things, such as?"

"Well, I heard it from John first that Jane had been crying because I wasn't there at the..."

"Ultrasound," She finished for me nodding in understanding.

"Yes, it made me feel really guilty and I took out my anger on Jane last night, I guess," I explained. Mrs. Lerman smiled at me, slightly.

"I wished things could have been different as well. You can't change the fact that you weren't there so don't dwell on it, alright?" She said, the smile never leaving her face.

Before I could say anything else John came in looking tired and annoyed. "Good morning, Pat," John said roughly sounding tired.

"Good morning, John," She said. She put her hand on my shoulder giving it a slight squeeze. She walked over to John kissing him on the cheek before leaving the kitchen.

God, why did she leave me in here? Alone. With an angry father. "Harry," He said.

"Good morning," I said nervously.

"Where are you from, Harry?" John asked taking out a bowl from the cupboard and milk out. "When you talk I hear an accent."

"I'm from England, I moved here when I was younger," I explained confused as to why he'd asked.

He seemed pleased with my answer as he took out some cereal and poured it into the bowl, milk as well. "That's interesting."

He didn't say anything after that. He continued eating his cereal and acted as if I wasn't there. I accepted that he wasn't going to say anything else and left the kitchen running upstairs to see where Jane was.

I walked into her room. She was putting some clothes away into her dresser. "Jane," I said.

She jumped in surprise, turning to face me. "Harry, good morning, you scared me."

"Sorry," I mumbled. I sat down on her bed that was now made up.

"Are you leaving today? To go back to Bella's, I mean."

"Yes, I think that would be a good idea," I responded. She pulled a face at me.

"What do you mean that will be a good idea?"

"Last night... I was really mean to you and I'm sorry."

She looked down at her feet, sighing, before looking back at me. "What had you so mad?"

I shook my head not wanting to tell her the truth. "It doesn't matter, I just want to apologize for the way I acted-especially when things were going good."

"I forgive you," She said quietly. I stood up and walked towards her. Jane placed her arms around my neck as I placed my hands on her waist. I kissed her softly lingering for just a bit longer.

She smiled into the kiss and pulled away. "I love you," I said.

"I love you too."

She walked downstairs with me. I texted Bella and we waited about half and hour for Bella to arrive. When she did come, Jane walked outside with me to my car. "It's only for a while, yeah," I said when I saw Jane had tears in her eyes.

I knew us being apart for a while would hurt but not this much. It was temporary so I guess that made it hurt less. I smiled at her before getting into the car with Bella.

We drove in silence.

I was thinking about Jane the whole ride to Niall's. And- crap, I have to live with Niall again.

He wasn't all that bad, I have to remind myself about that. Once we got to Niall's apartment I went into my room and closed the door.

I didn't want to talk to Niall or Bella. I just wanted to be alone for a while. I knew living without Jane wasn't an option at all.

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