Ch 1

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It's been two months since Lisanna had returned from Edolas. It was a real shock for everyone to see that she was still alive and well. I was so happy for Mira and Elfman to have their little sister back. I knew that they'd really missed her.  As well as everyone else in the guild, it was nonstop partying and celebrations for the next few days. It honestly all became a blur. Drinks, food and endless dancing and conversations. Everything calmed down leading into the weeks since her return, and everything seemed to go back to our normal routine, the rowdy nature of the guild, Erza with her strawberry cake, Natsu and Gray battling it out on one of the guild tables, and knocking over Erza's cake and Erza knocking them out cold for it. Elfman screaming manly one liners, the thunder legion following Lauxus wherever he went, Happy trying to woo Charla with numerous fishies, and being turned down, Juvia watching Gray from a corner with hearts in her eyes and daggers at me whenever she saw Gray was anywhere near me (she still considers me a love rival although aside from that we are pretty great friends).

I, however, didn't quite go back to my normal routine.. I took occasional easy jobs, usually by myself, to make sure I could make my rent on time, and would try to continue with my novel at home, but ever since Lisanna came back, I seem to almost always be by myself. Team Natsu as well as the rest of the guild seemed to forget I was even there. I don't think they mean to do it,  don't get me wrong, I completely understand their excitement with having Lisanna back. I mean, wouldn't you be if someone that you believed was long lost, had returned? Lost time between them, stories to fill in, jobs to do together.. but it's been two months now, and still everyone seems to have forgotten I'm still here.  I'm not mad at Lisanna in any way.. how can I be? It's not her fault. We've actually talked a few times on our own and she's a very nice and sweet person.  I can understand why everyone missed her and love her as they do. I'm not mad at the guild or my team mates either.. but I am hurt, I can't lie. And for the first time since just joining the guild, I feel... alone. Only a few people still talk to me, hang out and join me on jobs like nothing's changed; my best friend Levy, Wendy, Juvia.. at times when she's not following Gray wherever he goes, Mira and Master. 

Levy: "Hey Lu!" she notices my frown and my deep thoughts "You okay?"

Lucy: I'm sitting at the bar. "hm? Oh, yea, I'm okay.. I guess I'm just a little tired. I was up just about all night last night trying to write some more for my novel. Writers block I guess." I laughed.

Levy: "Aw, I'm sorry Lu. I'm sure you'll come up with something. You're a really good writer, from what I've read in the small stories you've let me read before. You gonna go on any jobs today? I think Gajeel and I are gonna go on one today. He said he found one that would be great for us but didn't say what it was or when. But he brought some packed bags into the guild this morning so I'm guessing we leave today." she laughed and blushed. It's so cute to see how much she really likes him.

Lucy: "That's awesome Levy. I wonder if he's just trying to get you all to himself for a couple days?" I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows at her. This makes her blush and slap my arm. I just laugh, and she joins in my laughter. "I hadn't really thought about going on any jobs today but I might. Maybe I can get Natsu and Happy to join me. It's been a while since we've been on a job together." I get really quite and Levy gives me a sympathetic smile. She knows about how I feel forgotten about by most everyone, and how I feel towards Natsu.  I've had feelings for him for a while now. I couldn't tell you when they began.. but they're definitely there. We hadn't been on a job together since before the events of Edolas. Ever since Lisanna came back, all he's wanted to do was hang out with her, do jobs with her, talk with her.. and I can't help but feel a little jealous and, well, hurt about it. Every time I've asked him to join me on a job or if he wanted to just hang out, even inviting him back to the apartment to hang out (I know right? INVITING him to the apartment when I'm ordinarily kicking him out?), he always has an excuse about already going on a job with Lisanna, or just getting back from one with her and was too tired, or they already had plans to go and hang out with her that day.. I know he's just wanting to make up for lost time, and catch up on everything between them but it's been two months, and I thought he was my best friend..

Gajeel: "Hey shrimp! let's go and get this job taken care of. I'm itchin to kick some bandit ass"

Levy: I giggle at his comment "Okay, I'm coming, give me a second" He huffs and rolls his eyes but sets his stuff down and leans against the wall by the guild doors with his arms folded in impatience. "I'm sorry Lu, if anything would you like to join us? I'm sure Gajeel won't mind and even if he does I'm sure I can convince him otherwise."

Lucy: "Oh I'm sure you could." I smirk at her and she blushes and prepares to swat me again when I reply, "but no it's okay, i appreciate the invite though. You two have fun on the job and be safe."

Levy: she has a look of concern and looks like she's about to protest and insist I come along but sighs and says "Okay. As long as you're sure. We'll be back soon. Good luck on continuing the novel!" she gets ready to walk away before she stops and comes back to me. I look at her a little confused. She wraps me in a tight hug and says in my ear, "Why don't you try and talk to Natsu? ask him if the two of you can talk about what you've been feeling these last couple months? I'm sure he'll understand and tell you that you guys are still okay." 

Lucy: I return her hug, "Thanks Levy. You're right, I'll ask him if we can talk and see what happens." She hugs me a bit tighter before letting go and waves as she jogs over to Gajeel and they head out the guild doors. I look over to see where Natsu is but no longer see him. I take a glance all over the guild but that dragon slayer is no where around. "Hey Mira, did you see where Natsu ran off to?"

Mira: she comes back from behind the bar with a plate of food in her hands. "Oh I think he went on another job with Lisanna and Happy. They grabbed one from the board this morning, they should be back later this afternoon." she replied happily. 

Lucy: "..Oh, okay thanks Mira, I think I'm going to go home in the mean time and try to finish up my novel." 

Mira: "Okay Lucy, I'll see you later then!" she smiles sweetly. Mira's great. I get up from my stool and head out the door and walk home. 

Hey guys!! So this is my first ever time writing fan fiction in any way. I hope its okay so far. I'm kinda making this all up as I go along so bear with me as I write it out. ^_^ Any constructive advice and opinions are welcome, like I said, first time writing a fan fic here.

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now