Ch 3

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Lucy pov

I hadn't meant for that shout to be as loud as it was but I'm tired of being ignored and at least it finally got his attention. Everyone finally stopped staring and went back to what they were doing before. We walk outside the front of the guild and I sit down on a bench.. I can feel my heart trying to beat out of my chest. Man, I feel like I can't catch my breath! Am I sweating?! Just calm down, all you're doing is telling him about how ignored you've felt the last couple months and ensuring there's nothing to worry about cause he's your best friend. Just breathe..

Natsu pov

Jeeze I just wanted to beat Gray at that drink off.. I know I would have too. I can beat Gray at everything! It wouldn't have taken too long. She really didn't need to shout it up to the heavens. What's gotten into Lucy? I throw my hands behind my head and look at her waiting for her to say whatever it was she needed to say. I can hear her heart beat going crazy, and she looks flushed.. she getting sick or something? She looks really tired too.. I take a really close look at Lucy and notice that she looks very drained.. and, down? When did she start looking so depressed? "So what'd you want to talk about"

Lucy: I slightly jump that he spoke up first and twist my fingers around in my lap out of nervousness.. "..Natsu?... we're still best friends, aren't we?"

Natsu: Why would she ask me that? Of course we are..  "What makes you think we aren't?"

Lucy:  I have a small sense of relief at his response. He didn't flat out say that we weren't. But I still needed to hear it with his voice that we were still friends.. best friends. "Is that a yes then?"

Natsu: I'm beginning to get a little impatient, "Yes Lucy we are, of course we are, why are you asking me if we still are?"

Lucy: "Well, we've not hung out at all these last two months, nor have we gone on any jobs together.  You've even stopped surprising me at my apartment. I just felt that maybe you didn't  want anything to do with me anymore so you distanced yourself. It's not just you either. The whole team and the guild has kinda just distanced themselves from me and ignores me ever since Lisanna came back.

Natsu pov

Have we really not hung out in that long? It doesn't... wait, did she really just blame Lisanna for her feelings? For what she thinks is happening around her? I'm getting pissed. Is she really that self centered? All because she's no longer the "new member" or the center of attention she has to lash out at Lisanna?! Lisanna has been gone and presumed dead this whole time and instead of being happy she's alive and home, she acts like this?

Natsu: "Are you seriously blaming Lisanna? Lisanna has nothing to do with what you think you're feeling! Are you really that selfish? That you're no longer the center of everyone's attention??"

Lucy pov:

I wince at his response. I wasn't expecting such a nasty response from him, II can feel my heart beginning to crack at his words.. hearing this at first hurts, deeply, but it's soon replaced with anger. How dare he talk to me that way! He's the one that decided to forget all about me and leave me behind?! I don't blame Lisanna in the slightest! But the fact is once she came back, it was like I wasn't even there anymore! 

Lucy: "I'm not blaming Lisanna! Not at all! And I'm not selfish?! What I 'think' I'm feeling!? I know exactly what the hell I'm feeling! Natsu ever since she came back, everyone has basically turned their backs on me! No one even bothers to talk to me, hang out, go on a job with me to help me out if I need it, and most painful out of everyone forgetting about me is you! It's like I was invisible all over again! You're supposed to be my best friend but every time I tried to do anything with you, you brushed me off and gave me some excuse about doing jobs with Lisanna, hanging out with Lisanna, being too tired to do anything because you just got back from a job with Lisanna.. hell Natsu, you even stopped randomly showing up at my apartment!"

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now