Ch 15

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Lucy pov 

I didn't get a chance to talk to Malachi about the girl he was sitting with during my whole performance tonight. They seemed to have a pretty.. intriguing conversation, just from the looks on their faces.. hopefully he's still awake when I get back so I can ask him about her. LaVey still had a tight leash on me since my escape attempt. But she's allowed me back into my old room and allowed me to have have what little social life I could muster.. which for me just meant hanging out with and talking with Malachi.. she also allowed me to sit at the bar and have however amount I wanted to drink so long as I didn't have a target to deal with the same night.. and just like when I first got here, I am being constantly watched. I always have a baby sitter no matter what I'm doing or where I go. I even have to have someone watching me when I bathe, change my clothes, and sleep!! Ever since she told me that she... killed every one in the guild.. and showed proof.. I've become emotionless and matter of fact in most situations, depending on who I'm dealing with.. I struggled with major depression for a few weeks at first.. I struggled with the guilt.. I got them killed because I was selfish.. Natsu was right. I was selfish. All I cared about was myself, and getting myself out of this hell hole of a guild. I didn't consider anyone else.. I wanted to just die. I couldn't live with myself and what my choices had caused.. but because LaVey had me under constant supervision.. I was never allowed an opportunity to end my own suffering.

I'm once again perched up on the rooftops in my assassin gear above a little cafe, facing the back of the establishment in the northern most part of the city.. my assassin gear and sais were taken from me too, and kept from me for a week, which was fine, I wanted nothing to do with that line of work anyway, but LaVey thrust me back into retrieving whomever it was she needed, or assassinate whomever she needed taken care of. She gave me back my assassins gear but my sais are only given back to me once I'm outside the guild and have been tasked with a target to take down. Not only is Alec with me but so is Kyron.. I hate that little stuck-up-LaVey's-ass bastard. He notices my slit eyed glare at him and blows me a kiss. Tch, disgusting ass! I motion my fingers across my neck at him.. this angers him.. before he can even make his way towards me, Alec grabs him by the throat, "If you could for once, not antagonize Lucy with your childish antics, and not prepare to lay a hand on her, even after LaVey ordered you to not touch her, that would be GREATLY appreciated.." he then tosses him beside him when Kyron yells, "Ow you son of a..." Kyron freezes with his hands in the air and gulps, Alec has his blade pointed directly at his chest "If you give away our position because you can't get a handle on your own emotions, and childish outbursts, LaVey will slash your vocal chords and rip out your tongue and force you to wear it around your neck.." Alec hisses. Kyron lowers his hands and returns to facing the cafe below with a scowl. Alec sheaths his blade and he and I exchange glances and I mouth the words thank you at him.. he offers a half smile and looks down at the cafe and so do I.. he may be acting for LaVey when he defends and protects me from Kyron, but I like him enough to not be weary of him. I still have to remind my self he's not on my side at all.. but it helps me feel better. 

Kyron whispers, "there he is, at the table to the left closest to the building.. he just sat down by himself". I was told no details about the man we're looking for apart from his appearance so I know who to knock out and grab to bring back to LaVey. No name, no age... She just made it clear he was to be unharmed.. no knocking him out over the head, no violence with this one.. odd demand for her. He was wearing a dark gray business suit with a red tie and black dress shoes. He wore a black watch on his left wrist. His dark black hair was slicked back and shaved at the sides, his eyes flashed silver and had a chiseled jaw with unshaved stubble around his face. He looked young. He was sat with a cup of coffee and reading a page in the local paper.. we sat there observing till he'd finished the coffee and put his payment on the table beneath it. He stood up and walked back through the cafe and out the front doors, Alec whispers, "okay come on.." we all jumped and rolled across rooftops to reach him at the other side of the cafe.. when we spot him walking alone down the street.. no one's around but us and him, "Okay Miss. Lucy, just like we discussed" Alec points out, "Got it." I drop down between two buildings in an ally way he's walking passed and press myself against the wall.. and peek my head to the side.. he's not noticed a thing. Good.. I run up behind him and muster out the most desperate, "Excuse me sir?" He turns around and his eyes go wide as he sees me, "What do you want!?" I reach my hand in my pouch off my hip and bring my fist up as I say, "Madam LaVey has requested your presence.." and blow glittery blue purple potion powder at his face.. He groans and rubs at his eyes and blinks repeatedly before his vision begins to blur and fall backwards to the ground but not before I slip behind him to avoid his head hitting the ground. Sleeping powder. I'm sorry.. I don't know what LaVey wants with you.. but I hope it's not something that condemns you to a life of misery... like me.

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now