Ch 17

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Natsu pov

I'm getting really antsy just sitting here waiting for Erza to get rooms for us to take our stuff up to.. It shouldn't take this long just for seven damn rooms!! The longer we sit here, the longer Lucy has to endure whatever crap she's been having to put up for thee months already!! I'm gripping my hands together as I'm leaned forward and tapping my right foot in impatience. Levy places her hand on my shoulder. I look up as she's shaking her head at me and says, "You've got to relax.. you'll drag attention to us, and possibly put Lucy in more danger if you do, what I know you're thinking of doing." "And what exactly am I thinking of doing??" She smirks and closes her eyes, "running out the hotel lobby and finding the tavern yourself and whisking Lucy off her feet and back here." I stop tapping my foot. She sighs, "Natsu you're not exactly all that difficult to read.. I know you care about Lucy and want to save her.. Kinda wish all this love and concern you're showing for her now was present 5 months ago and remained there even after Lisanna came back, but you need to have patience for just a little bit longer." She's gotten really nasty with me lately.. Not that I blame her but can she back off just a little bit?

Receptionist: "Okay ma'am, before I can book these rooms for you, I'll need the names of each person who will be staying in them." She politely smiles. 

Shit. I didn't think of one on the ride here! And judging by the looks on everyone else's faces.. neither did they!

Erza; "That's not a problem, My name is Evie, and we have Julia, Chloe, Ricky, Garrett, and Jay. Oh and Lucy."

We all stared at her in awe in how she was able to do that right on the spot.

Receptionist: "Okay perfect. You're all set. I'm afraid I could only get you 6 rooms and not 7 like you'd originally requested. My apologies, but 6 rooms was all we had left."

Erza: "That's quite alright. Six rooms should work no problem. Thank you!" 

The receptionist has her 6 door keys and we walk to the rooms.. we all pile up in the hallway.. luckily all the rooms were right next to each other. 

Erza:  "Okay everyone. Throw all your things on your beds and lets head down to th...   ?? What?"

Wendy: "You just came up with all our names, except Levy's right on the spot.. did you already have that planned?"

Erza:  "Well none of you spoke up about any names for yourselves and she needed names for the rooms so I had to.. so, obviously I'm Evie and Levy is Julia.." She points to Wendy, "You are Chloe." Then to Gray, "You are Jay." Gajeel, "Garrett." "So I'm Ricky..?" I ask her. "Well it was the last name I hadn't listed off, so yes." Fine let's just go.. I'm done waiting!" Everyone drops off their bags and we rush out the hotel and follow Levy to the tavern.

*At the same time team Natsu is checking in to their rooms*

Lucy pov

I'm sitting at the bar still.. Alana's cut me off from anymore booze.. I'd only had a glass and a half but she didn't want to risk getting on LaVey's shit list since she's providing her 'precious starlet' with alcohol before her performance. Speak of the devil, literally, LaVey walks up to me with Alec at her side. She looks at me, then the glass then back to me again. "You know child. If you want to act like one, I can treat you as such and revoke any privileges to drink I have allowed. Drinking before a performance?" I scoff, "What would be the difference? Whether you do or not you still treat me like a child." She doesn't appreciate my comment and prepares to reach for my still healing wrist laying on the bar counter, I notice but I close my eyes and say, "Do you really wanna give your audience any suspicions that their favorite local 'starlet' is actually abused behind the scenes? Would kinda tarnish your 'great establishments' name and reputation now wouldn't it?" She stops reaching for my wrist, and instead goes for my chin and nearly drags me out of my seat when she does grip me forcing me to open my eyes, she heats up the tips of her fingers but just enough to really fluster me, "You've seem to have forgotten your place my dear. I can very swiftly remind you of that if need be" she then uses her other hand. that I didn't even consider. to grab my healing wrist and burns it again.. 

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now