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^^^ Lucy's assassin gear. ^^^

Lucy's pov

It's been a month and a half since I was first brought to Madam LaVey and her sorry ass tavern and guild. I've grown a little cynical since being here. I can't help it. Aside from some of the "happy" songs I'm forced to perform, life around here is tense and suspenseful cause I mean, you have to practically walk on egg shells to avoid pissing off or accidentally disrespecting LaVey or any of her men.. who have no problem ratting you out to her. I've gone from being down and depressed to nearly consistently angry and anxious. That is until I have the chance to talk with and hang out with the one good friend I've made since being here. Malachi. He's one of the waiter's who serves customers at my performances. Really nice and, ironically, given where we're confined, an optimistic guy.. I think he said he's 32? Short, well kept black hair, olive skin with grey eyes, and his face and arms, and I'm assuming the rest of his body, is riddled with laceration scars from bandits. 5 years ago, (just to give an idea as to how long Madam LaVey makes you stay in her guild to repay her and relishes in the power she has over people >:(  ) came to LaVey in hope's he could get his young family out of debt and back comfortably on their feet. They'd been raided by bandits time and and again to the point they had no money, no food, or even any personal belongings to sell for extra money. Hence all the scars on his body as he did what he could to protect his family. She did, but soon after, requested him back to her tavern to work there to pay off the debt he owed her or his family would be killed. He has a wife and child. So he had to leave them behind and leave them thinking he had died or abandoned them.. he's unsure what story they've been fed. LaVey is absolutely cruel and ruthless. At least when I have the chance to talk to him, I have some semblance of a normal "happy" life. He makes things bearable. 

According to LaVey, I've become her "favorite" prized, deadliest assassin. That is, when I actually do kill anyone. I swear she only says it because she knows how I feel about taking someone's life from them. Don't get me wrong, I take no joy in the work I do for her. But I negotiated with LaVey that I will ONLY kill my target if he/she has been proven to be a truly evil person. Anyone that kidnaps and tortures people, rapes people, kills people, you name any truly dark and evil thing... then I'll go after them..  I'm not always sent out to kill.. sometimes I'm sent out to retrieve someone for her.. Kinda like how Alec, Kyron, Merrick and the fourth guy came to collect me for her. But even though I don't do the actual killing.. nine times out of ten, I still manage to have a hand in their deaths because, well, once I leave them to her, she handles them.. I didn't have a choice.. it was either that small negotiation and agreement or everyone in Fairy Tail would be hunted down and killed... Despite everything that happened at Fairy Tail before I left, I couldn't live with myself if something I did under Madam LaVey's command, got them hurt or killed. I can't let that happen but I so desperately want to run away from here.. We're practically slaves! LaVey works us well over her "payment" because she loves the power and control she wields over people.. out of fear. I hated her.

The first couple of weeks being here, was hell. I mean it still is but I have a little more, "freedom" so to speak, if you wanna call it that, in the month and a half I've been here. The first couple weeks, I was always escorted to and from my room down to the training hall below the building for my assassination training, if my form or attacks were off even only slightly, I'd get beat and do it again, I always had to have a shadow when I was assigned a target, to and from the stage for my performances. Major stage fright is a thing.. but you tend to forget all about it when you have LaVey and her goons breathing down your neck to perform beautifully and be convincing or otherwise.. you know, repercussions. Aside from my "jobs", I wasn't allowed to leave my room. The month mark rolls along and Lavey tells me I am now "free" to free roam the guild hall and tavern as well as the training hall unsupervised but strongly reminded to stay in line. That's around when I had the chance to meet and get to know Malachi.. that was two weeks ago. Now i'ts a quarter past midnight, I'm crouched on a rooftop waiting for my target to show her face. This target had me particularly angry and allowed me to at least distract myself from my reality.

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now