Ch 6

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Natsu pov

I woke up to sun shinning on my face. I throw the blankets back over my head. I'm not ready to get up damn it. Just as I was getting comfy and falling back to sleep, yesterdays events flooded my mind.. I sprang right up out of bed. I look for Happy, and see him still sleeping at the end of the bed.

Natsu: "Hey, Happy... wake up buddy." I lightly shake him to wake him. He gently stirs and says, "Natsu you burnt the fishy.. not the fishy" I mentally face palm at the dream he's having. "Happy, wake up." He finally peeps his eyes open.. 

Happy: "It's so earlyyy!"

Natsu: "It's..." I take another look outside "...gotta be at least 10 o'clock already if not almost 10." He finally gets up off the bed and stretches and yawns.. "You ready to find Lucy today?" He gets a look on his face like he just remembered what we'd planned for the day. "Aye sir!! Let's go!" We run out of the house and book it straight to the guild.

*Time skip*

We make it to the guild and burst through the doors.. no one bothers to look up. They've pretty much figured out whenever the doors bang open like that it's just me and Happy. 

Gray: "Hey fire breath, you left pretty early yesterday, you the one who took off with my shirt?!" Juvia sits in the corner of the guild staring at Gray with stars in her eyes and said shirt in her hands. 

Natsu: "Now why the hell would I run off with your clothes Gray? Never mind, not now man, have you seen Lucy around today?"

Gray: "You had to have taken it, you're the only one who would pull a stunt like that! And no I haven't.. not yet."

I puff out smoke and roll my eyes at him. You're so useful Gray. I walk over to the bar and decide to wait for Lucy and order breakfast from Mira. A stack of pancakes, bacon, eggs.. I decide to order a strawberry milk shake, Lucy's favorite, so when she got there, it'd be here waiting for her. 

Natsu: "Mira, can I get a strawberry milkshake as well?"

Mira: A little out of the ordinary for Natsu to order, "Sure Natsu! Not your typical order this morning. When did you pick up a liking for strawberry milk shakes?"

Natsu: "Oh it's not for me *i say through bits of pancake and bacon* it's for Lucy whenever she gets here.

Mira: "Lucy won't be coming into the guild today." Natsu stops chewing to give me a "what do you mean" look. I giggle at his expression, "She came in really late last night asking about getting a jump start on a job so she took a loot at the board and found a job and left last night."

Natsu: I swallow my food and stop eating. I feel disappointed. She took a job? Why so late last night? Mira mentioned she said to get a jump start.. but.. "How long is she going to be gone for? Did anyone go with her?"

Mira: I frown and with a sad tone say, "She could be gone at the very least up to a week. It takes a couple days to get there, then the actual job she's gone to do, and then a couple days back. No, no one went with her. She insisted on going by herself." 

Natsu: "Oh..." Now I'm a little worried. I practically broke her heart yesterday and now she's on some job that's gonna take her a while AND she's all by herself? Did she decide to leave because of me? I wish she'd have waited till this morning. I'd have gone with her. Who's going to help her if something goes wrong? I squeeze my fists and clench my teeth.. If she left because I hurt her, and something happens to her it's going to my fault... I need to stop. She's a strong wizard, and if she gets in a tight spot she has her spirits, I know they'll help her. They've always had her back. "Thanks Mira, hold off on that milk shake then till she gets back. When she does have it ready for her for me would ya? Put it on my tab if you have to." Mira throws me one of her warm smiles and says, "No problem Natsu!" and walks to the back of the bar. Happy flys up to me looking around.. I guess he's looking for Lucy like I did

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now