Ch 2

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*So at this point Lucy has walked home to kill some time till Natsu is supposed to return to the guild. She tries to distract herself by going back to her novel but is still fighting her writers block and winds up taking a short nap*

Lucy's dream pov:

I had a feeling of dread in my stomach, anxiety that i hadn't felt in years was suddenly skyrocketing out of sight and I wasn't understanding why.. We're just walking side by side to the park.. I'm just going to talk to him. We're still friends! I have nothing to worry about, right?

Natsu: "Lucy, there's something that's been on my mind lately that I really need to get off my chest.."  

Lucy: "I wanted to talk to you about something too actually but, okay, what's up? Everything okay?"

Natsu: "Listen Lucy, I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it.. I don't think you should be apart of team Natsu, or Fairy Tail for that matter anymore. You always manage to drag us down because we're all so much stronger than you and it seems we're always having to save you at every job and major battle we go through. You've had your moments, sure, and have gotten stronger since joining but it's just not in the same league as the rest of us."

I was absolutely horrified at his words.. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. And it all coming from Natsu no less. I could feel my heart beat fast and shatter in my chest.. I don't think I'd felt such heartbreak since my mom passed away. Why? What brought this on? Why would he say such things to me.. I mean is it all true? Am i really that much of a burden?

Lucy: "I dont understand Natsu! I try my hardest to be strong, and to fight as hard as the rest of you do! I don't mean for you guys to have to save me all the time.. I want nothing more that to fight along side you all and protect you all with my life! I thought we were best friends Natsu? Why are you being so cruel?"

Natsu: "We were best friends Lucy.. then Lisanna returned. You were just her replacement. You were what we needed while we were grieving over the loss of her. Now that she's back, you really don't need to stick around anymore.."

Natsu then turns around and begins to walk away with Lisanna linked in his arms.. when did she get here? Why is she here? Lisanna looks back and says, "thanks for keeping my spot warm for me till I was able to come back home Lucy! Don't worry, I'll make sure Natsu is happy and well! You've done your part!" Everything around me goes dark, all I can see is my outstretched hand and Natsu and Lisanna's backs turned to me walking away, and all I can hear is my crying and my screams for Natsu to come back, "Natsu!! Please! Don't leave! I can do better I swear, please come back!"...

Normal lucy pov:

I spring up from my desk in a cold sweat and tears streaming down my face.. tears had covered the papers I tried to write something, anything on to. And a tremendous ache was in my chest. That felt.. so real. Too real. Why would I have such an awful dream? Nerves? Not enough sleep?? I sigh..  Maybe I'm just really tired and stressed. I look to double check the time, since I got home about 12 and I wasn't planning on taking that nap, I don't know how long I slept.. had I known what kind of nightmare awaited me, I'd have avoided it altogether. It's 3 o'clock.. Okay, so I have some time to hop into a bath before walking back to the guild.. a bath sounds perfect right now.  I grab some fresh clothes from my dresser and a towel and walk into the bathroom, shutting the door. I turn the water on and pour some bubble bath in.. I think I'll stick to my usual strawberry vanilla cream bubble bath. The sent begins to overtake the bathroom, I shut the water off and began undressing and got in the tub and slouched into the tub till just my nose and above was out of the water.. I wonder if that dream was just my fears being shown or if this was a dream that was warning me of something to come.. no, no it has to be just because it's one my biggest fears.. there's no way Natsu would kick me out of the team or even suggest I leave the guild. I know him well enough to know that with confidence! Sure we've not really talked or hung out in a couple months but he'd never say something like that to me and mean it... right? It's Natsu, the guild is everything to him and everyone it in. They're family. I blow bubbles in the water in frustration and watch as one floats off into the air and pops just as it gets above my head.. I begin to wash my hair, and move on to my body before I decide that I should probably get out.. my fingers are beginning to prune up and the water has gone cold.. I guess I was in here with my thoughts longer than I realized.. I get out, dry off and get dressed into my pink tank top and short light blue jean shorts.. dry up my hair the best i can and decide to leave it down.. I put on a little make up because, you know what, why not? Spritz some perfume and threw my dirty clothes and towel into the dirty clothes basket in the corner of the room and walked out.. I half hoped I'd find Natsu and Happy sitting on my bed passed out or just talking and laughing when I opened the door but.. of course they're not there. I shouldn't be surprised or so disappointed.. it has been about two months after all. I frown at the thought.. and slip on my my brown boots, grab my keys and head out the door and head up to Fairy Tail.

*small time skip*

Lucy pov

I walked into the guild and, as usual, it's as loud as it ever is. Typical back and forth fighting and discussions. Cana is on one of the tables with one of her barrels under her arm, challenging everyone in the guild to a drink off and betting that she can out drink anyone there and is laying down 100 jewel to anyone who can do it. Elfman of course is right at the table shouting back "A real man always accepts a challenge! I bet 100 jewel I can do it!!" Cana smirks at the comment and shouts "Any other takers?" Gajeel then approaches Cana and says, "I'll lay down 200 jewel saying I can out drink the both of you hands down!" Levy just sighs and shakes her head with an "Oh for Mavis sake" look on her face.. Soon Gray, Bixlow and a few others gathered around the table and placed their bets. I just slightly giggle and walk towards the bar. I looked around the guild and still saw no Natsu to be found.. I make it to the bar and just lay my head down till I hear Mira's voice.

Mira: "Well hello Lucy! You're back! How is your novel coming along?"

Lucy: I just turn my head to the side to face her "Ugh no where fast. I have major writers block.. nothing is coming to mind.. I'm stuck at a certain part in the story and aren't sure how to go from there"

Mira: "Oh, I'm sorry.  I'm sure an idea will come to you in no time!" she begins to walk away with a tray of drinks for one of the tables before I stop her..

Lucy: "Hey wait, Mira? Has Natsu come back from his job yet?"

Mira: "Not yet, I'm sorry. They should be back any time now. The job wasn't an all day thing so they should be back really soon"

Lucy: "Okay, thanks Mira!" as she walks away I hear the guild doors swing open with a bang and a very load dragon slayer exclaim, "WE'RE BACK!" At his voice, my heart flutters and i feel a slight panic build in my stomach, my face begins to burn with heat from it.. I don't even notice as Wendy walks up to me.

Wendy: "Lucy? Are you okay? You look really red? Are you getting sick? I can use my healing magic if you'd like?"

Charla: "You've used your magic enough for a while child. Give yourself some time to recover!"

Lucy: Wendy is so sweet and thoughtful. So Is Charla in her own way. Even if she can come across as cold. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen much of Wendy and Charla the last couple of days. "No, thank you, I'm okay, really." she gives me a questioning look, like she doesn't believe me. "Really, I'm okay.. but thank you for offering! I haven't seen you around the last couple days. Job request?" 

Wendy: "Yea, me, Charla and Panther Lilly went to a village in the east forest to deal with some monsters that were terrorizing the villagers. Luckily they were pretty easy to handle!" she flashes a confident smile at the remark! I return her smile. I reassure her that I'm okay and wave to her as I get up and make my way towards Natsu. He's trying to jump into the bet everyone seems to be having with Cana. Except he's betting he can out drink Gray out of them all. Typical Natsu. 

Lucy: "Hey Natsu, do you mind stepping outside to talk really quick?"

Natsu: "Huh? yea sure right after I whoop Gray's ass at this drink off!"

Gray: "We'll see about that flame brain!"

Natsu: "Let's go ice princess!"

I begin to actually get angry at being so easily dismissed over something as silly as a drink off and shout, "NATSU! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU, NOW!" He freezes in place staring at me, as does everyone else.

Natsu: "okay okay, jeeze no need to shout about it, lets go"

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now