Ch 11

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Lucy pov

Did I really just make it out of that cursed place and no one noticed? No one's stopping me? Maybe I really can get completely away and out of this town.. maybe I can get all the way to Fairy Tail and warn them and... "AAAAHHHH!!" I scream and fall to the ground on my knees sliding on them and rolling on my sides till I slam my head and back into a wall and lay on my right side.. What the actual hell?? My vision begins to blur, and I can see bright lights flicker in and out of my sight... I look over at my shoulder and see it has an arrow head sticking out of it... a red tipped arrow head with the with letters KZ inscribed on them.. there's only one person I know with those initials and that's.. "Gotchya, little 'spirit'.." Kyron. Shit. "I have been waiting this whooooole time for you to screw up and give me or LaVey any excuse to kick your ass, end your miserable life, or even better, killing everyone at your former guild." I start to panic and realize how badly I HAVE screwed up.. I thought I could get away.. no one was around to see me.. How the hell could he have known that I'd try to escape tonight and to wait for me tonight, when I hadn't even previously planned to attempt this?? I just endangered my former comrades and quite possibly got them killed.. Kyron begins slowly walking up to me with his short bow poised and ready to release if I so much as move even an inch.. "Madam LaVey is going to be soo, disappointed in you as you were her prized assassin and star songstress. You so easily betrayed her and all the generosity she's given you in your time here.. I won't stand for it, and guess what? Neither will she." He smirks his nasty yellow toothed smile at me.. I sit up and stifle a groan of pain before chuckling and say, "Generosity? You mean her bull shit compensation for enslaving me and the rest of the people she's forced to remain trapped at the guild?!" I spit blood to my right, "LaVey can burn in hell!" My words infuriate him, and the last thing I see is the heel of his boot striking me in the face..

I woke up the next morning with my shoulder in agony, my head throbbing.. and my face.. Oh my Mavis, my face. He had to have broken my nose.. dried blood flaked under it, the arrow was no longer in my shoulder and was carefully bandaged up.. I take a look down at myself and notice I'm no longer in my assassin gear and have been stripped down to just my pantie set, white undershirt and pink pajama shorts. Did that sick and twisted little shit do something to me?? I start to feel like I'm going to puke when I take a look around me and realize that I'm not even in my room.. I'm on a tearing to pieces twin mattress in one of LaVey's torture rooms. My heart begins to race as it dawns on me what is about to happen very soon. I'm going to die. I try to shake the bars to see if any of them are loose. No such luck. I tap the stone walls to see if any of them can be wiggled free.. tap, tap, tap *gasp* one of them taps forward.. i begin to push it.. it gets stuck.. damn it! I get desperate and start punching it. Again and again, my knuckles are bleeding.. I don't care. I have got to get out of here, NOW. I punch it again and again until it finally moves till it's half way to the other side of the wall.. when I hear the doors to the torture room open. I stop what I'm doing and turn to lean against the wall as I sit down. Kyron walks in and is grinning ear to ear at me.. childish I know, but I stick my tongue out at him and grab one of the loose rocks that fell from the wall as I was punching it and toss it at him.. *Wack!* "Ahh oww! damn it!!" haha got em! Awesome shot! Right in the eye! I double over in laughter, "Ha aye Pirate Kyron, where's your eye patch?! pfffftt hahahaha!!" "You little bitch!!" Kyron gets ready to charge my cell when, "Kyron you touch her and you'll be locked in here right along with her with a missing eye altogether and no medical treatment!" He stops moving immediately and I clam up my laughter. My giddiness is swiftly replaced with dread. Madam LaVey comes into view. She just stands there with absolutely no look of anger but definite agitation.. and like she has complete control over me and this situation.. even though I defied her and tried to run away. I think I'd prefer her screaming at me and threatening my life rather than stand there silently looking me over.. at least then I'd know she was pissed. But this? I don't know what she's thinking or what's to come.

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now