Ch 26

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Juvia:  "Destruction power of a goddess?.. does that mean LaVey is.. a deity?"

Levy continues reading the pages.. "No it doesn't sound like LaVey is a deity at the moment... not yet."

Erza:  "Not yet? What do you mean?"

Levy:  "Well, if what I'm gathering from the book is accurate.. a person who practices destruction magic is not themselves any sort of deity creature.. It was outlawed as a magic of practice because of it driving the casters power crazy. They would begin to exhibit signs of aggression, violence if not threats of violence when they were not listened to or their demands not met, attempted acts of enslavement for their own personal gain be it finances, property, or to further their own personal or public status in their society. Familial ties no longer mattered to a destruction magic wizard once they began down this path, in fact, cutting them off altogether is something they would do, in some cases, even ending their lives once emotional ties had dissipated. The casters and the magic itself became too dangerous to be common practice and was banned by the magic council and those whom continued were locked away for continuing its practice but what really drove the magic council to ban the practice of destruction magic altogether, was the fact destruction magic casters had the potential to achieve actual divinity and were found to be actively trying through time and practice of the above mentioned signs and through the sacrifice of.. Oh no."

 Erza:  "Levy? What is it?" 

Levy:  Wide eyed and tears beginning to stream down her face.. "It says the final thing a caster of destruction magic must complete to achieve divinity is, they have to sacrifice the life of.. the strongest celestial mage in their time."

Everyone freezes with shocked looks of fear and disbelief. 

Wendy:  "W.. well.. well why would they have to be sacrificed.. that doesn't make sense?"

Levy wipes her eyes and continues:  "It goes on to say that 'celestial spirit mages were the targets of these attempted sacrifices because as celestial mages, they have a connection to the heavens.. and spiritual beings. The more zodiac keys a celestial wizard holds, the chances of achieving divinity becomes stronger. You will know time grows closer to a caster of destruction magic attempting a sacrifice, when the power they already have is no longer enough. They will grow increasingly more aggravated, aggressive and violent and more difficult, if not impossible to appease. They will resort to torturous tactics to lower the spirit of the celestial wizard in hopes there's less chance of a struggle from the celestial wizard.'. It says 'If ever you ever find yourself face to face with a destruction magic wizard it is best to avoid them at all costs, however if avoidance isn't an option do not do anything to draw them to you, remember, however way they can have power over a person, they will do it.. do what you can to get out of the situation and report them to the magic council as they have special items and potions devised for dealing with these types of wizards. If you are in fact a celestial spirit mage and you are face to face with, if not in the clutches of, one of these wizards.. there's only one way you can actually destroy destruction magic itself as well as the caster who wields it. Attempted detaining and reporting is not as highly recommend for a celestial wizard as their chances of survival when crossing paths with a destruction magic wizard, significantly decreases compared to a non celestial wizard." 

Gray: "That's great! What would Lucy have to do?"

Levy:  "'You will need to have announced your true love for the one you hold in your heart to them, and they MUST reciprocate the same feelings in return and have also announced their love for you to you. Love is what is needed because it is the purest form of heavenly light. Declaration of love is to be followed up with a kiss. This action allows you, the celestial wizard, to be endowed with heavenly light and allows the ability to cast the spell "amantes lux" it's a spell that has the ability to vanquish destruction magic and its caster. This spell was once wielded by the goddess Venus to banish the evil destruction of war in her country of worship...'"

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now