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^^Lucy's solo song^^

Lucy pov

Aaron was right.. I needed to use that guy as 'My Natsu' to get through the rest of that night. Even though I knew he wasn't Natsu. I can't pick another guy in the crowd now that I've picked him, so I have to make it work. Kyron came in to bitch me out for 'taking my sweet time' and being 'completely unpfrofessional'. I was seriously so done with his shit.. he's had it out for me so hard since I got here.. and I kinda had an idea why..

Kyron: "I don't understand why Madam has SUCH a fondness for you.. you're nothing but a dog for her to train, follow her commands, and beat when you attempt to bite the hand that feeds you.. ungrateful, pathetic, useless llit..." I socked him as hard as I could in the mouth and sent him flying across the room till he landed in a pile of broken instruments and tech equipment..

Lucy: breathing heavily. Ow.. my hand, but oooooo that felt so good. "I think it's time you learn to back THE FUCK OFF ME. I've put up with your hating ass bull shit long enough. I don't understand why you hate me so much, but I PROMISE you, hating me, and antagonizing me, isn't about to make LaVey jump into your arms any faster than you'd DESPERATELY hope it would. It's not gonna make her love you."

Aaron is in a corner with his hands in the air to signal he has no idea what's going on and has nothing to do with what is.. Kyron sits up out of the pile he crashed into, with blood on his lip and fire in his eyes. He wipes the blood with the back of his hand and looks at it.. He looks up at me and growls, "You're gonna regret that you little BITCH!" He lunges for me.. hands aimed at my throat. I duck and slide to the side of him before swiveling behind him and kick him between his legs. He's down and groaning on the floor in the fetal position. I lean into his ear and said, "You are DONE. Fuckin. With me, degrading me, antagonizing me.. aalll that shit. You wanna hate me? Then hate me. I really don't care one way or the other about your opinions of me.. but you will leave me the hell alone... You so much as even glance my way and and it be anything other than respectful and with basic human decency?.. I'll tell LaVey you cornered me here backstage and tried to force yourself on me when she was gone." The utter look of shock that came across his face was more satisfying than punching him square in the face. "You.. You wouldn't!" "Wouldn't I though? You really wanna test me? Who do you think she'll believe? The guy who has been consistently fucking up lately and has made it a known habit to mess with me and has been told to NOT lay a finger on me unless by her command? Or the celestial mage who she needs for whatever her reasons are and is raking in money for her and has been deemed her 'prized and deadliest assassin'?" His shock turns into frustration as he stares back up at me but eventually gets up, gives me one last red faced glare and walks away.

Aaron: DAMN!! "That was awesome! You landed two great blows! You okay?"

Lucy: I look down at my hand.. it's red and sore but otherwise is fine.. for the first time in a while I feel like I can relax for even a minute and comfortably breathe. "I'm great."

Natsu pov

Gajeel, Wendy and I perk our ears up... we hear something that sounds like Lucy screaming something backstage.. as well as a second voice.. We can't hear exactly what's going on because everyone within the tavern was talking, laughing and chanting "CHUG CHUG" at both bars... I want to jump to her side so bad to see what the hell is happening and protect her but I keep trying to listen. Gray asks us what's up but the three of us all "SHHH" him, "...back THE FUCK OFF ME....but I PROMISE you, hating..." "...little BITCH!" It suddenly gets too quiet back there to hear any more not even a couple minutes later we see someone exit stage left.. some blonde guy in black robes is red faced and has one hand holding his mouth and the other over his crotch.. Did she just whoop his ass?? I get a sense of pride.. Atta girl Lucy! 

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now