Ch 25

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Normal pov

Team Natsu wasted no team in heading back to Fairy Tail and relay all the information they'd discovered at the tavern about Lucy and madam LaVey. Natsu and Happy however stayed behind. Natsu made a promise he intended to keep. He was not going to lose Lucy again. Even if she wanted to him to leave with the rest of the team to be safe, he wasn't having it. He said goodbye to everyone, got out of the hotel and found a spot at the edge of town in a forest and made a base camp. As much as he wanted to do the opposite of, he listened to Lucy's warning when she said to stay away from the tavern unless she performed. He made sure to 'keep his nose clean', and he didn't speak to anyone aside from Happy, avoided any conflict, didn't spend any money since he needed it to buy a drink or two when he'd go see Lucy at the tavern. He had to buy something while there or according to Malachi, LaVey would notice he wasn't buying anything and would be banned from the tavern.. He couldn't afford that to happen as he had to be there to see Lucy.. and any chance he got to, he took it.  It's been about a week since team Natsu had left to go back to Fairy tail. 

One evening after seeing Lucy perform, she and Natsu sat at the bar and talked and drank.. all the other tavern patrons had left for the night.. 

Natsu:  So.. how are you doing Lucy?

Lucy:  "Well, 'Ricky'.." she giggled. She couldn't get over the name he used while he had his lacrima on.. she couldn't see him as anyone else, but Natsu. ".. I'm okay.. LaVey has been more agitated lately for some reason and of course me being the smartass with her I've become.. I haaave taken the brunt of her agitation.. honestly I'd rather it be me than anyone else here.. at least if she's focused on me she won't go after and hurt anyone else.. She almost took one of Alana's whiskey glasses and smash it at her for pouring 'the wrong drink' when it was actually exactly what she asked for, when I intervened with my arm and that's why it's all cut up for the moment.." she pulled up her sleeves to cover the bandages.

Natsu:  I see her pull up her sleeves to cover the bandages when I stop her.. and pull her sleeve down and take her arm in my hands and take a look at them. They look so red and inflamed even with the bandages, and painful.. I say through a low growl, "They hurt much?"

Lucy:  I shrug, "Yea, its kinda hard to do my performances or anything else without them hurting.. A couple needed stitches so I have to be careful to not reopen them.."

Natsu:  "Is she here tonight?" I look over at her.. My heart hurts that she has to put herself through all of this.. that she thinks she has to.. "No, she was nearing a rampage earlier with me when Alec suggested maybe she go home for the night.. I'm glad she has some sort of attraction to him because, had that been anyone else, she'd have lit them up and disposed of them... Even when I don't say or do anything she seems more aggressive with me than before when I WOULD instigate something.. something is up with her and if I'm completely honest with you.. I'm scared." I grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze.. "If something happens with her that you can't get out of.. don't handle it yourself.. or wait for someone else here to step in.. please scream for me." "Natsu" she kept her voice low at my name, "I don't think I could do that.. one, I'm not trying to get you killed, two, how are you supposed to hear me from here with where yours and Happy's base camp is." I just tap my ears. "One I have amazing hearing.. when I want to. Two.." I pat my chest where my heart is "you're.. my best friend and I care about you.. I'll always come running to you when you need me". She gave me sad smile at my comment. "What.."

Lucy pov

He dropped his smile and chuckled "What.." I couldn't help but feel just a little bitter, sad, and just pure joy at his comments all at the same time. I'm a little bitter because well he says he'll always come running to me when I need him but where was he when I 'needed him' before I left on that job request, had he been there for me those months ago like I'd needed him we'd probably still be back in Magnolia, living our normal lives happy and free to do what we want, sad because although I agree we are best friends and I love that about us.. I'm left wanting so much more.. it's been a week since being at the hotel with him when he tried to kiss me and I was letting him but then happy and the others came into the room.. at the time I wasn't sure it was them till they ran through the door.. neither of us ever brought it back up.. not to mention while being stuck here at the tavern.. he and I could never share a relationship beyond what we already had.. and even that was dangerous.. and joy because it made my heart swell to hear how protective and defensive of me he is and how much he really wanted to be here for me.. "Nothing" I chuckle "It's just cute hearing you tell me how much you care about me" he had a bright dust of pink go over his cheeks I giggled.. 

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now