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Normal pov

Natsu:  I sat there in thought after taking everything in.. my mind was just trying to process everything at once.. LaVey is trying to become an all powerful deity.. by sacrificing Lucy.. she needs her to do it. That's why she's not died yet. That's why she attacked her so viciously last night.. the torturous tactics have begun, in an attempt to break Lucy's spirit. And the only way to get rid of LaVey for good.. is for Lucy and I to admit to each other our love for one another and neither of us can doubt it... and we have to kiss... and I have to be holding her hand while she casts the spell that could potentially kill her.. 

Gray sits down next to Natsu and puts his hand on his shoulder.. "Talk to us man. What're you thinking..?"

Natsu: "....LaVey's already begun..."

Wendy:  "What do you mean Natsu? What happened while we were gone?"

Natsu recounts the nights events from last night to the team.. Erza and Gray have looks that could kill (think Grand magic games glare) Wendy has her hands over her mouth crying, and Levy has leaned into Gajeel hiding her face as Gajeel shows a look of concern.. 

Levy:  "What are we going to do?"

Natsu:  "We'll see her tonight. She's being forced to perform tonight.. with all her injuries.. LaVey still expects her on stage and to perform it perfectly.. the flier went up this morning when I checked in on the place early this morning.. it more or less said, 'Apologies for last nights performance by our own Lucy. We found it to be lacking in the beauty and spectacular amazement you've all come accustomed to. Please allow us to make it up to you by seeing a redo of last nights performance tonight!'" I look down and clench my fists together.. seeing how injured she was.. and probably even more so after the night was over and STILL be expected to perform as though nothings wrong or hurting tonight?? I'm so angry for her I've not noticed I've started to tear up and my flames ignite... 

Lucy pov

LaVey kept her promise.. my voice was practically gone, and my feet were so sore I couldn't stand on them.. She threw me into the cell I was in before when I tried to escape.. I'm scared. She's been cruel and sadistic since I've arrived here but.. something's different.. she seems almost starved of power and control.. even though she already had it.. like she didn't have enough.. like she needed more.. LaVey came in throughout the day to my cell.. Just to torture me some more.. physical abuse, psychological, emotional, you name it, she did it.. "Why are you doing this to me? Why do you find such sick pleasure in torturing me!" She threw herself at the bars of my cell and gave me a sinister look of amusement, "All for my entertainment child, it's all apart of my plans, that seem to be coming together very nicely from where I stand.. I really must thank you Miss Heartfillia.. you've done quite a lot for me in these short few months.." 'Short? this feels like an eternity!!' I thought, I look up at her, "You've brought in so many adoring patrons and so much money to my tavern and guild, and as a result the name The Madams Tavern has grown widly known and admired within all of Isenberg! You've handled nearly all of my dirty work for me.. especially with handling my ex husband... You deserve an award for taking down that bastard." Her mentioning her ex husband reminded me.. the night that Natsu and the others found me.. that picture frame.. 'pplease... find my son.. help him escape.. his... mother'... 

"That man, that you had me kill on the south side of the city... was your ex husband??" She laughs, "Yes, child. He was quite the thorn in my side.. he wanted me to give up my magic and return to him but.. I just don't have it in me to give up this amazing addicting power... it's just too exhilarating and intoxicating to give up... the thriiilll it gives me is just.." she sighs in pleasure, "almost too much to handle!!".... I look away, "...and your son? The man you had me deliver to you.. what of him?" She looks at me a little surprised I'd figured it out.. who he was to her and why he appeared to be so important, "I'm surprised you made that connection child.. smarter than I'd given you credit for now, aren't you? hahaha!! He was my leverage against my ex! But the boy got on my last nerve and tried my last bit of patience.. I dealt with him myself." 

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now