Ch 12

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Normal pov

Madam LaVey is sitting at her desk in her study with her feet on her desk looking over Lucy's keys. Admiring and appreciating the shining intricate beauty and most importantly, the power they hold. A knock at the door interrupts her thoughts. "What is it?" "It's Alec, and Kyron ma'am. May we step inside?" she perks up at hearing Alec's voice and grants them entrance. "Shut the door behind you." Alec does as he's instructed. Kyron plops down on her couch against the wall and smiles triumphantly at nothing with his arms behind his head. "You know, it would do you well to remember to NOT throw yourself around MY office Kyron! And get your feet down!" Kyron's smile drops and he quickly removes his feet and sits up with his back to the couch. Alec sighs and shakes his head, "Madam LaVey, may I ask you something?" "Yes, Alec, what is it?" Alec takes a long breath in, "I'm curious.. why would you lie to Miss. Heartfilia about her forrmer guild mates deaths? You're not normally one for lies, and you always carry out your punishments when anyone decides to defy you in anyway.. I'm just left bewildered at your possible reasoning?" Kyron practically chokes on his own spit, "Wait, what?? You mean to tell me those pictures you thew at that little pest were fake!?" LaVey glares at Kyron with bared teeth and sharply whispers, "KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!" Kyron takes a step back and asks, "But why Madam LaVey?!" A defeated sigh escapes LaVey's lips, "But yes, they were fake. And it's because I need that girl to believe they are dead, she will have no reason to try to leave knowing how she truly has no one left beyond the boarders of Isenberg to run to. I have plans for that girl, that require her to be here and alive. Not to mention her performances bring in lots of cash for the guild and my tavern." "What if she tries to kill herself though ma'am!? Nothing's stopping her from attempting that! The guilt she most likely rightly feels on her shoulders, could be too much for her to handle and in a last attempt to get away from you, she could end her own life." Kyron quickly retorts. Kyron for once sounds like he's thought something through LaVey thinks to herself. She waves a hand at him dismissively, "I will be assigning someone to stand guard with her at all times. Not outside the doors, but constantly in the same room she happens to be in." Alec bows before me, "You have explained yourself in great detail m'lady. I require no more as I now understand. If you have no use of me for the moment, I shall take my leave." "Thank you Alec, you may, KYRON leave with him! I'd like a moments peace" she pauses and watches as they walk out the door, "Kyron?" He peeks his head through my door with one squinted eye, "Leave. Miss Heartfilia. ALONE." He pouts as if I'd just demolished whatever plans he may have had with her but says "Yes ma'am" and shuts the door. Madam LaVey returns her gaze to the keys with fondness in her eyes, "Yes, I have many many plans for you child.. just be patient and you'll see." she smirks and chuckles to herself.

*Time skip in total since Lucy's disappearance, 3 months*

Normal pov

Three months ago, after the dragon slayers reluctantly concluded there was nothing further to go on at the last place Lucy was seen, they headed back to Fairy Tail. The wagon owner didn't offer anything different than what he told Natsu. The only thing he gave that they tried to follow up on, was the location of the Midnight Raiders gang of thieves. Come to find out, no such legitimate gang exists. The "members" that LaVey had used in her plans, yea her men may have beat the hell out of them, but faced LaVey personally for attacking Lucy. Sigh, another brick wall. Master Makarov decides the guild needs to spread word all throughout Fiore that she's gone missing and is presumed kidnapped and in danger. Fairy Tail's members wasted no time in getting fliers, and announcements spread far and wide in the hopes that someone has seen her or has any clues as to where she may be. It's been three months since then and so far, they've had no such luck.. until..

Levy pov

I run as fast as I can back to the train station... I have to get back to master and tell him what I've found out! Lucy is still alive! She's alive!! But she is in sooo much danger! We have to get her out of there!

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now