Ch 19

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*still Natsu's pov*

It doesn't take him long till he's got a tray of bright red and orange colored whiskey and sets it in the middle of our table. "Here we go, I've not personally tried it yet but from what Lucy's said.. it's pretty good.. a little rough at first but has a smooth finish." We all cautiously glance at the drinks. It smells strong. I look over at Malachi who's already begun to sip his drink, I ask, "So does Lucy drink regularly now?" "Mm? Well, no, honestly she's had a drink or two in the past but was... limited. She was trying to down a lot of this stuff tonight before she performed though.. she was pretty nervous about dueting on stage, and pissed at LaVey for springing it on her only a couple of days ago and told her regardless of the short notice, she was expected to do it tonight." he finishes. "What happened to Lucy's wrist? Did someone hurt her?" I ask. He purses his lips and his hair has shadowed over his eyes.. Everyone's stopped sipping on their drinks to look at him.. he finally looks up, but only at his drink, "yes." A growl is threatening to snake its way up my throat and I say through clenched teeth, "WHO." 

He keeps his sullen expression and asks.. "What's your name?" I forget for a second but see Wendy, mouth my 'name' to me, "Ricky." He sadly smiles and looks back at his glass, "Ricky, I have been confined to this tavern for a little over five years now.. I've seen plenty of people come and sadly go throughout my time here.. as fast as people go it seems they are quickly replaced.. and when I say "go", I don't mean that they just left of their own free will.. we all share a common denominator here at The Madam's Tavern.. including Lucy." He pauses and we all sit there anticipating his next words, "In LaVey's eyes.. we all owe her a debt, including her "loyal assassins"... Sounds simple enough, right? Pay off your debt, move on.. but with LaVey.. your debt is never repaid. Hence why I have been here for five years. I came to her for help, help for my family, and although she did... it came at the cost of being forced to abandon my family, have their lives threatened against me and be here for however long she sees fit till I repay what I 'owe' her. No one that works beneath her, is here of their own free choice... She is a cold, cruel, and dangerous woman.. So to answer your question? Madam LaVey was who scorched Lucy's wrist."

"Where is she now." I say shaking with rage. "If you mean LaVey.. I don't know.. she left already and she may not be back tonight. Some sort of business required her presence." He looks up at all of us and doesn't seem surprised at our expressions. "I can see your all visibly angry but that mark on her wrist, is nothing compared to anything else she's done to Lucy... or what Kyron's done to her either." I can feel myself begin to lose all sense of control, and my flames threaten to ignite, when Erza puts her hand on my arm and squeezes it to get my attention, "Can you start from the beginning for us? The beginning of Lucy's time here?" She asks him. He takes a deep breath and lets it out.. "From what Lucy has told me before, she was on her way to a job when she was attacked by thieves.. then said thieves were attacked by LeVay's men and they brought her to LaVey. Oh, the job Lucy was on? It was a trap set by LaVey herself. LaVey's men were only able to complete part of their assigned mission,.. bring Lucy to her.. but because they couldn't complete one other task involving her, LaVey killed one of her own men in front of her .. the uncompleted task was grabbing Lucy's keys." Heh, sorry I found those first! And locked them away in Lucy's apartment.. I can't help but smirk at beating them to them. "Lucy is the only one that I know of, that has been told of what kind of power she has.. we'd all assumed if was a fire type magic.. cause all we'd really ever seen is her using it to burn and scorch things... and people. We've never seen her burn a person to death but had seen her use it on people to 'get them back in line'.. and these are rare occasions because we're all too terrified of her to 'step OUT of line'. Fear she'll retaliate against our families and loved one's, as she's promised she would, who are left to question where we are.. and she's done it in the past.. to our previous songstress.. LaVey killed her family and then killed her too.. " Gajeel asks what we're all wondering, "What type of magic does she have?" "...destruction. It's apparently a very ancient type of magic. No longer common knowledge. Lucy said that when she killed one of her own men, she just placed a hand on him, said a trigger word, and he disintegrated into nothing before her eyes. No body left behind. She's also barred Lucy from using her magic power.. a magic cuff was put on her wrist, just like the rest of us, no one here can use any magic power.. only she can."

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now