Ch 23

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*Still Natsu pov*

I crawl on my knees on to the bed to try and lay her down when I lose my balance and fall beside her... My arm is still beneath her when we landed on the bed.. she then snuggles up below my chin. places her hands on my chest and nestles her face into my neck and sighs on it.. her breath sends shivers down my spine, raises goosebumps on my skin and I feel my face begin to blush.. I can feel her legs intertwine with mine.. I feel her mouth raise up into a smile against my skin in her sleep.. " warm.." I relax and wrap my other arm over top of her and bring her into me a little closer.. and allow myself this moment with her. I smell her hair.. strawberries and vanilla.. still just as strong and sweet as the last day I saw her.. I bring up my hand from around her waist and run my fingers through her hair.. she then removes her face and lays back on her back while leaving her hips still turned towards mine and her legs still intertwined with mine.. I prop my elbow up to support my head so I can look down at her. She's so beautiful.. I can't believe she loves me.. me! After everything I put her through.. how angry and mean I got with her.. she still has love for me.  I brush some hair away from her face.. she's smiling in her sleep.. I missed her smile.. 

*Lucy pov dream*

Something is tickling my skin..  what is on my face? it's so light and warm.. it's so comforting.. I was just wanna wrap myself completely within it.. then I suddenly feel cold.. so cold. What's going on? I suddenly feel pain.. Ow.. Oh my Mavis.. I look down at my wrist.. its bleeding.. a lot. No, no, stop! Please stop! Just stop! Fear settles in my heart.. I look up and see her face.. it slowly peers through a cloud of purple smoke and she has the scariest evil smile I've ever seen.. her teeth are sharpened to points and her chin is covered in blood.. then a bright purple light shines over her head and she shrieks at me "DIE!" She aims at me while maniacally laughing.. I'm screaming..

Natsu pov

I've closed my eyes slowly falling asleep when a blood curdling scream assaults my ears and I shoot my eyes open and look around.. to realize it's Lucy! She's screaming in her sleep.. she's absolutely terrified.. Her screams woke up happy too, "Natsu?! What's happening? What's wrong with Lucy?!" I look at him with panic, "I don't know!! Fly out and see if you can find the others and tell them to hurry back!!" "AYE SIR!!" He zooms out the door and the door closes behind him.. "LUCY?! LUCY!! COME ON WAKE UP! YOU'RE OKAY, YOU'RE SAFE!! PLEASE JUST OPEN YOUR EYES!!" She finally at least stops screaming.. whatever's going on in her head has her heart racing like crazy, and sweating.. come on Lucy, open your eyes, please! She finally does.. slowly.. she blinks a few times to clear her vision.. she finally has them completely open.. she looks over at me.. *Pop!* oh my jaw! She threw a left hook and jumped from my arms and the bed and has herself in a defensive stance with her sais out, "WHO ARE YOU? WHERE AM I? WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE NATSU!? WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE NATSU!!!" I slowly move myself out of the bed with my hands up.. and stand up to slowly walk to her, "because it's really me.. it's me.. it's Natsu.." She sticks are arm all the way out aiming her sai at me, "IS THIS SOME SICK JOKE?? NATSU IS DEAD! HE WAS KILLED BECAUSE OF ME! HE WAS TAKEN FROM ME!!  TTTAKE ANOTHER STEP FURTHER AND IT'LL BE YOUR LAST!" I stop. And lower my hands.. My hair is covering my eyes as I slowly continue stepping closer.. "STAY BACK...STAY AWAY FROM ME.. ILL DO IT!!" she continues aiming her sai at me but she's shaking.. she's crying.. her tears are hitting the carpet below her.. I keep walking to her till I reach her sais point. "If you even think for a second it could really be me.. drop the sais.. but if you really think this is a joke, and I'm not really Natsu.. then you do what you feel you gotta do.." I raise my arms to either side of my body, "I will not fight you. I deserve whatever comes my way for how I left things with you before you left.. before you were taken.." 

Her sais are shaking against my chest so bad I'm surprised she's not dropped them yet from that alone..  she slowly lowers it and drops it.. then the other. She drops to her knees and sobs into her hands.. My heart hurts hearing her cry.. I get down on my knees with her "Hey..." I put a finer to under her chin and force her to look at me.. "..Lucy.. I swear to you it's really me.. I'm right here." I grab her hand and cup it to my face.. "I'm real. I'm not going anywhere.. I swear.." Her cheeks are wet from her tears.. I bring my other hand from her chin up to brush them away and she uses her other hand to cup mine.. her hair covers her eyes " can't be real.. you were taken from me.... you died.." 

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now