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Lucy pov

Madam LaVey: "I, my child, am Madam LaVey. Let's chat, shall we?"

Lucy: I scoff at her, "Sure.. why not? It's not like I have anywhere BETTER to be at the moment." I sarcastically reply.. I see lights flash before my eyes and a stinging hot sensation across my left cheek. I'd been back handed by one of her little henchmen. "You dare speak to Madam LaVey with such disrespect!"

Madam LaVey: "Kyron, enough! Return to your post immediately!" He backs off and turns to her and bows, "I apologize my lady" and resumes his position with his hands folded before him. "I'm sorry for Kyron's outburst. Although he tends to act first without thinking... As you can tell he's quite defensive of me and doesn't take kindly to any disrespect towards me of any kind. I'll add I do not either, and will highly recommend you keep that in mind for the rest of this conversation, am I understood?" she asks but it was more a declaration than a question of clarification. The look on her face as she waits for my response is unsettling to say the least. This woman's aura just oozes of ruthless darkness that terrifies me. I just nod and stare back at her. "Good. Now I assume you are curious as to why I had sent for you, yes?" I nod. "Miss. Heartfilia, I'll have you know when I ask direct questions, I expect verbal direct answers. Would you like to try your answer again?" I squeak out a shaky, "yes" what is it about this woman that throws me into utter terror? I don't get it. I've faced many scary foes such as her yet none of them seem to shake me to my core as she does. "You have peeked my interest for some time now Miss. Heartfilia, you come from a long lineage of celestial mages and are a celestial mage yourself, one of the rarest forms of magic in our world currently, thee daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfilia, and to top it off, you have all 12 of the zodiac keys (in this story she has all 12)

I froze at her words. My keys. Those thieves took my keys before her men showed up to grab me. I never saw what happened to them! Does she have them?

Madam LaVey:  "Marrick hand me the keys." I shoot my head up and look to whom she spoke. It was the green eyed man who spoke to me before I passed out on the trail. He had short, side swiped blonde hair and pale skin.. he had a very nervous look on his face, he stutters, "um mma'am she had no keys on her person when we got to her.." He looks nervous about how she'll receive the news. LaVey closes her eyes and sighs deeply, "that is... very disappointing." She pushes her chair back to stand up and slowly makes her way over to Marrick with her hands at her face and her finger tips to her lips, "I believe I was very clear, in the orders I gave you before you left the tavern today, was I not?" Marrick begins to visibly shake, and sweat began to gather at his brow, "Yyyyes ma'am." "Then help me understand Marrick, because I would greatly appreciate being able to understand, why my orders were only... half completed." She glares at him before she placed her hand on his chest.. He flinches in fear but doesn't move, "Madam Lavey wait please!" A dark purple light begins to shine underneath her hand on his chest and she breathes the word, "Hakai". (for any dragon ball super fans out there, lol major fan myself) Marrick begins to scream out in agony, as his body slowly begins to disintegrate into a bright purple light till there's nothing of him left. 

I begin to silently tear up in complete shock and terror. My eyes are wide and mouth agape. She mutters to herself, "Such a waste." She then stands up straight and places her hands behind her back. "As you can see child, I don't handle failure very well. I do not tolerate it." I have no words. She looks back at me and smiles like she didn't just casually take someone's life mere moments ago. "Alec." Alec steps forward, removes his hood and bows before her. "Yes, ma'am?" Alec revealed long red hair, not quite as brilliant as Erza's, it went to his shoulders, had tan skin, he had a light scar that went from the outer corner of his left eye all the way down to his collar bone. "See to it you find her keys. Bring them straight away to me. I assume I need not remind you if you fail me at this, no?" "No, ma'am." He has no trace of fear in his face or voice. Absolutely undeterred. Freaking how?!? She brushes his cheek with the back of her hand. "Good. I would be highly upset if I was forced to rid myself of one of my best assassins. Do not return until you have them in hand. Go." "Yes, ma'am. I will not fail you." 

Did she really say assassin??? With a shaky voice I ask her, "What are you??" She glances at me and smirks, "A human like you, child." Yea, no, a normal human wouldn't be able to so casually kill someone, and basically dust their hands of it as if it's a normal day's work. You're a monster. "I have a very old type of magic, the name is long lost on me now but to put it simply, I posses destruction magic. Anything and anyone I place a hand to, and say my trigger word, I can disintegrate into absolute nothingness." I just stare back at her with tears streaming down my face. She walks over to me to wipe my tears away but I back my head away from her before she has a chance to touch me. I just saw what you're capable of, you really think I'm gonna let you touch me?? She giggles at me and smiles and turns her back to return to her chair. "Now, Miss. Heartfilia, despite my already existing interest in you, I feel it's only fair to say you do indeed owe me..." Without even realizing it, I shoot daggers at her and shout, "Owe you?? How the hell do I owe you a damn thing??" She smirks, while her left elbow is on the table and her hand supporting her chin, she points her right index finger up and a dark purple orb floats just above her finger nail.. she then slowly bends it towards me and the orb slowly makes it's way to just before my nose.. I tense up and have begun to hyperventilate and sweat.. 

"Child, I really don't want to have to end your precious life just before I've had a chance to see what you're capable of doing under my instruction.. I warned you before to watch your tone with me as it could very easily be the last mistake you make, are we clear?" I slowly nod my head and say "yes" and she lets her finger drop and the orb disappears. I relax a little and take short deep breaths. "Now as I was saying before you rudely interrupted me.. I believe you are in my debt as had it not been for me and my men, you'd have bled out and died on that dirty trail my men found you on." I look at her with an "are you kidding me??" look. She raises an eyebrow, "Do you not recall one of those thieves bashing your head in before falling to the ground?" I did vaguely remember hearing and feeling a loud thud against my head.. "Had my men not gotten there when they did, you, I am certain, would not be alive at this moment. They and I have saved your life. I know your hands are tied but had they not been, you'd be able to feel the gauze and bandage that is strapped to your head at this moment. So I feel it's only fitting that you repay your dept to us..." she slits her eyes  and flashes an evil grin, "however I see fit, for however long I see fit.".. I'm shaking.. what could she possibly force me to do?? And why?? "Kyron, remove her bindings please." I look at her questioningly as does Kyron. He politely asks her, "Do you believe that is a wise decision?" She slowly looks up at him and says, "Are you really questioning an order Kyron?" He goes wide eyed and bows and says, "Forgive me ma'am, I am only concerned for your safety." She scoffs and waves her hand in his face.. "Oh she's no threat Kyron, and besides, I trust she understands that any step out of line could result in.. quite unsavory things.. correct, Miss Heartfilia?" There is really nothing I can do now that isn't going to result in me getting my ass kicked or killed.. I just do the only thing I can do, "Yes.... ma'am." She smiles, "Very good", she looks at Kyron and points at me. He unties my bindings and I remain seated.. I still can't feel my magic..I look at my arms and notice my right arm has a magic cuff secured to my wrist...magic blocker. "Oh that? You'll come to find out that I'm the only one around here who may use powers. That cuff doesn't come off unless I will it off. No one here is allowed to use magic for numerous reasons but we won't delve into that nonesense for the moment. Now, for the matter of what jobs you'll be fulfilling whilst in your stay here." I slightly meet her gaze and ask, "Jobs?" She nods her head, "Yes child. I have two jobs that I will need to see you fill in. It was just the one, but as you've seen here in my study today, I am now down one assassin." My heart nearly stopped beating at what I knew she was suggesting. "You want me to be an assassin and actually... kill people, for you? I... don't kill people. I can't.. I'm not capable of ending a life!" She sits back in her chair, "Oh child, you'll come to find that while under me, you'll find you're more than capable of doing just about anything.. as long as it's under my orders.. as you will also have no choice in the matter." I can't stop shaking or sweating in fear from this woman.. I can't kill people! I just can't.. I won't! She lets out a deep sigh, "But I suppose, seeing as I do indeed like you Lucy, we can work out the finer details later on. As you can Imagine I have quite a few enemies, and have need for such jobs to be filled, not vacant." Yea well, when you're a murderous, heartless, psychopath, it's not difficult to see why. 

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now