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*time skip from Lucy's apartment to the guild*

Lucy pov

I arrived 5 minutes to nine at the guild hoping a certain take over mage was still at the bar for the evening. Everyone else had gone home for the night. So the guild was completely empty.. and too quite.. almost unsettling seeing it so empty and quiet. I then see who I'm looking for. 

Lucy: "Hey Mira! You headed home for the night?"

Mira: "Lucy? What are you doing here, it's so late? I mean, yea, I'm headed out now.. is everything okay?"

Lucy: "Yea I'm okay, I just wanted to grab a job request before you closed up the guild for the night.. I can't sleep.. I'm finding it hard to come up with anything further to write so I thought I'd just get a jump start on any job requests that are available."

Mira: I'm really worried about Lucy.. she isn't saying it, but she seems and looks like she's just struggling with something in her life.. "Lucy, are you sure you're okay? You know you can come to me with anything.. if anything is bothering you or troubling you.. I'm always here if you need an ear for me to just listen, a shoulder to just cry, or to give you advice if you need it.."

Lucy: I feel pretty guilty for not telling her the truth but I just didn't want to talk about it.. and honestly I didn't want to trouble Mira any further than I already was.. "I really appreciate it Mira. I know I can count on you any and every time. But I really am okay.. just hoping that maybe taking a job will give me some sort of inspiration for my novel."

Mira: I decided I wasn't going to push the matter any further..whatever it was, she wasn't up for openly talking about it yet.. "Okay, just promise me whenever you need to, and if you want to come to me, that you will alright?" Lucy smiled and gave me an encouraging nod. I smile back, "Okay go ahead and take a look at the board and I'll approve it before we both leave for the evening."

I was grateful she didn't push it any further and I ran over to the job request board.. there was surprisingly still quite a few jobs left to choose from. Then there was one in particular that caught my attention. 

"ATTENTION! To any celestial wizards who may come across this job request!! I desperately require your aid! My precious spirit Nikora's key was stolen from me! (*I honestly can't remember if in the Fairy Tail world there's only one Nikora spirit or multiple, but for this story there's only 5 in existence.. please let me know if you know if there's actually one or more than one in the Fairy Tail world) He means the absolute world to me. He isn't just my spirit, he is my family! We've had a string of thieves hit the area and I'm fairly certain they are the culprits who stole him! We've come to know them as the Midnight Raiders gang. We are uncertain of their numbers but we've come to guess they have at least 10 members. As their name implies, they only strike at Midnight, when it's darkest. Please! I beg, someone come help put an end to this gang and bring my Nikora spirit home! 

LOCATION: Western village of Isenberg. We are 5 miles east of the border between Isenberg and Bosco.

REWARD:  75,000 jewel."

This sounded too perfect!! It was easily going to be at least a week long trip, so no need to return to a guild that barley acknowledged me or wanted me around too soon, I'm strong enough to handle some measly gang of 10 thieves , AND I get to help out a fellow celestial wizard and her spirit!? I got this.

Lucy:  "This one Mira!"

Mira:  I took the job request from Lucy and looked over it. "Lucy.. are you sure you want to do this one.. by yourself? This one is pretty far and not only that it talks about a gang of thieves with what they say has at LEAST 10 members.. it could easily have more. I know you're more than capable but are you sure?

Lucy:  "Positive! It's perfect for me! Its just what I need right now!"

Mira:  "... Okay if you're sure. It's all yours. Be safe!" Lucy already had the request in hand after I approved it and was running out of the guild doors.

Lucy: "Thanks Mira, I will! Bye! Be back... idk, sometime!"

Mira pov

I don't know that I should have approved that for her.. I feel like something is going to happen.. maybe it's just me and the fact I'm already worried about her....  She'll be alright. She's a strong and confident wizard. I should still at the very least bring it up to master in the morning.. yea, I think I'll at least do that. I walk out the guild doors and lock them behind me and head home.

Natsu pov

I couldn't sleep. I tossed from one side to the other and still felt restless.. and, well, like shit. I laid on my back and stared at my ceiling. I felt like such an ass hole. I kept replaying the conversation with Lucy in my head over and over again. And felt worse and worse with every replay. I sat up and rubbed my face and groaned. An image of her crying flashed behind my eye lids.. and I grimaced at the thought. I hated to see her cry. Her pretty face should never have to waste tears on anything.. she deserves to always have a smile on her face.. There I go again, "her pretty face?"... Ordinarily I'd beat the crap out of anyone who ever made the mistake of making her cry.. what am I supposed to do knowing I'M the reason she cried today!? I don't want her to leave the guild! Ever! She's my family, my best friend...  "UUUUGHHH!!"

Happy: I woke up to natsu groaning out loud. I rubbed my right eye and opened the left one to look at him.. "hmmm Natsu? What's wrong?"

Natsu: Oops I woke up happy.. "Sorry little buddy, nothin, just can't sleep.. go ahead and go back to sleep."

Happy: "'re thinking about Lucy again aren't you?"

Natsu: I do a light attempt at a smile at him, "heh yea, guess I can't get anything past you, can I?" I'm silent for a moment in thought..  "I just keep thinking about how things happened today.. what I told her.. how hard I made her cry.. with everything I know about Lucy, those words should have never come out of my mouth.. doesn't matter how angry in the moment I was.. I should have really heard her out and I didn't.."

Happy: I didn't know what to say to help Natsu feel better.. then I thought, "How about we find her tomorrow and you and her talk about what happened today, APOLOGIZE TO HER.. hopefully you two can work things out and then we can make tomorrow all about Lucy! Hang out with her, do what she wants to do, and talk and laugh like old times."

Natsu: I perked up at his idea. And my signature toothy grin was plastered all over my face. "Great idea Happy! Sounds like a plan! We'll go lookin for Lucy at the guild first thing in the morning!"

Happy: "AYE SIR!"

Natsu pov

Happy laid back down and fell asleep smiling.. I was able to find a comfortable spot in my bed and started falling asleep.. the last thought I had before I was completely out was, "I hope she can forgive me"

Lucy pov

Yes! I got the job request and will head out now. I'm not sticking around here any longer than I have to with this job in hand. It's not like anyone is gonna really notice anyway.. except the girls and maybe master.. I frown at the idea of them being worried about me when I'm suddenly not at the guild.. Shoot! That's right, Levy said she was going to stop by tomorrow If she doesn't see me at the guild.. I'll leave her a note behind so she at least knows what I'm up to. I hope they don't worry too much or get too upset that I just up and left.. I arrived home and began packing my things, write a quick note for Levy and the girls, I lock my door and head down to the train station. They usually have a train or two leaving this late at night. Luckily a train was in the station and waiting for passengers to board, I get a ticket and jump on.. I place my bags in the overhead compartment and take a seat.. I grab a blanket from under the seat and lean my head against the window and try to get some sleep.. it was going to be an all night train ride to the next station I needed to get to.. a quick flash of Natsu's angry face came across my mind and what he had said to me, "Then maybe you should just leave Fairy Tail!!" and I flinched.. all my emotions came flooding back.. and in the silence of my booth.. I cried myself to sleep.

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now