Ch 9

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Lucy pov

Yea well, when you're a murderous, heartless, psychopath, it's not difficult to see why, I thought. She continued, "The other job I'll be requiring you fill is a songstress for my tavern downstairs." This threw me for a loop.. "A songstress? What has you believing I can even sing??" I quickly add, "No disrespect." She smiles at me and says "Don't worry about that, I have a spell just for that. You are quite the lovely vision Lucy, and being that what I run is indeed a tavern, it tends to bring in the male populous more so than female. A lovely woman dancing and singing on stage to their delight does lead to higher profits." I then had a sudden sickening thought, "...What happened to the last songstress?" She has her fingers laced and the back side of them beneath her chin as she evily grins.. "Ah yes, young Reena, was just, fantastic at what she did.." she begins to stand up and slowly walk around her desk to make her way to me, "gorgeous voice, lovely features, but, you see, Reena, like you, also owed me a debt of repayment, and was therefore required to be here till I found her debt to be paid in full to my liking.. she naturally objected to this.. she didn't have the chance to see what I can do as you did but had heard enough rumors to know that it would probably be wise to not test me... Do you want to know what young Reena wasn't Lucy?" I can't seem to respond to her, I can't find my voice to say a thing. She's reached me and has her right arm and hand gliding over my right arm and shoulder and is standing behind me when she lowers her head to my left ear and whispers, "She. Wasn't. Wise." 

I gulped and now have goosebumps as her breath reaches my ear and brushes little hairs to the side.. she stands up and continues to circle me, "she decided that she had more than paid her debt to me and that I should allow her to leave to return to her family, and tried to run.. but you see, I suspected she would attempt to leave sooner than I planned for her, so I took it upon myself... to destroy every person within her family and burn their home to the ground. I then disposed of her as well for having dared cross me as she'd been warned to not do." I have my hands gripped so tightly at the edge my chair my knuckles have gone white and numb and I hear the chair make an audible crack. She's standing in front of me now, "So to put it into perspective for you, Miss Heartfilia, I have every issue with being disobeyed, failed, or disappointed in anyway, but punishment and destruction however, I have no issues at all. So if in the event you decide to get brave, and disobey me or try to run away, say, back to your guild?" I shoot up my eyes at her with a deep heart stopping, no breath left in my lungs, fear.. she smirked and grabs my face to pull it to hers, "I will single handedly end each and every one of their lives, without breaking a nail." She releases my face and I can't help the tears that begin to stain my cheeks. She backs away to lean against her desk still facing me, arms crossed "However, I don't see why I'd have to do that, or worry about it because I mean, why would you return to them anyway.. they made it clear you're not wanted among them and didn't even try to stop you from taking on a dangerous mission by yourself!" Her laugh is cold and is laughing so hard she's clutching her stomach.. I continue to stare at her through watery eyes. How does she know about.... any, of that?? She slowly stops laughing and wipes a tear from her eye, "You look confused child, care to enlighten me as to why?" I consider my words, "How do you know about.. any of that? That my guild no longer want me around? Or even about the job? Only a handful of people knew!" 

She blinks at me as if it's the most obvious thing in the world how she knows. "Dear girl, I've already stated that I've had quite the interest in you for a while now. I've had my men follow you around to get any and all useful intel as well as confirm others for me. So that day you're.." she uses air quotes, "'best friend'" told you to just leave the guild after you tried to confide in him your doubts and fears.. I knew my suspensions were true. I'd suspected that that was the case about a month prior as you would become more and more alone in your day to day activities following the white haired girls return." She takes a moment to pause.. "And as for the job request. That, child, was my doing. Down to even the Midnight Raiders. Granted they went against my orders and attacked you, aside from that, everything about that 'job' and everything that happened was how I planned it." I couldn't believe what she was saying.. I feel so.. violated and stupid! I was being stalked and watched this long without even noticing a thing!? How didn't I? Or anyone else for that matter!!? "I took a gamble with that request.. for I, of course, wanted you to venture out on it alone.. I anticipated if anyone traveled with you but thankfully, for them, they did not." I was overcome with an overwhelming feeling of defeat and hung my head low till my hair covered my face. LaVey spoke up, "I believe I've said all I needed. I've made clear my plans for you and my expectations as well as all repercussions that will follow, if ever you decide to disobey me... Kyron. Escort Miss Heartfilia to her room. Lucy, I will allow you a day to relax and process the reality of your new world. I suggest you take the time to wisely go over.. everything. We will begin your work and training, the following day." Kyron has me by my arm and is leading me half way out her door when she speaks up once more, "And Lucy?" I turn to face her, "Don't be the next Reena." She flashes at me a wicked smile.

 Kyron continues dragging me through her study door, walks me to the other end of the hall and throws me into my room and locks the door behind him. The room they have me in is surprisingly.. lavish and lovely. The carpet is plush and soft, My own small kitchen with a well stocked pantry and fridge, a bathroom that has a large vanity and mirror, complete make up kit and hygiene products on the counter, a lay-in bath and shower with... creepily, everything I'm already used to using when I bathe. I cringe at how they knew the products I use.. a King sized canopy bed and a tall dresser beside it full of clothes in my size. Including pantie sets.. I feel like I'm going to be sick.. I do. I run to the bathroom and heave till I have nothing left to rid my stomach of.. I flush and stand up and run the water to rinse my mouth out.. I walk out of the bathroom and also notice they've included a desk with papers and pens so that I can still write.. I get annoyed, "How considerate of them" I sarcastically remark out loud. I throw myself onto the bed.. and just lay there. I replay the events of today in my head.. and eventually wind up thinking about Natsu, and everyone at Fairy Tail.. their happy smiling faces, their rowdy energy, their overwhelming love and support. Natsu's laugh and warmth.. I cry for what feels like the millionth time today.. the one person I feel l need and miss the most, is also the same person who probably doesn't even know, and if he does know, doesn't even care, that I'm gone. No one is coming to save me this time. No one.. Just like when on the train, I cried myself to sleep.

*Natsu pov present time*

*time skip from where he found the wagon to the guild hall, all same day*

Happy and I flew back to the guild to let everyone know what I'd found out about Lucy and why she hadn't returned yet. Gramps ordered all the dragon slayers, Erza and Gray to follow me to where I'd found traces of where Lucy was at least last seen. He also demanded that the wagon owner be brought back to question in person, seeing as he was the very last person we can speak to that's seen her last and.. alive. I'm actually thankful that Levy and Juvia weren't at the guild when I told everyone the news. They already seemed pissed with me, and now with Lucy missing, because of me, I'm sure that nothing would have stopped them from attacking me.. not that I blame them.  We'd made it back to the wagon's location. Gray and Erza escorted the wagon owner back to Fairy Tail for Gramps to sit and talk with.. "Hey Wendy, can you heal him up before they go? He was roughed up pretty bad." 

Wendy: "Of course! I'm on it!" 

Natsu: "Erza, Gray. Make sure he eats and gets rest before Gramps questions him.. he's been knocked unconscious in the back of that wagon for a least a couple days."

Erza: "Don't worry Natsu, we'll be sure he's taken care of and well again."

As they head out, Wendy, Gajeel and I get to seeing if we, between the three of us, can pick up Lucy's sent or any clues as to what direction whoever took her, took her. 

Wendy: "Natsu, the only scent of hers I can find is where you found her blood. There's a little of her scent on the wagon but apart from that.. I can't smell her at all. Like she just disappeared.."

Natsu: "DON'T SAY THAT! SHE COULDN'T HAVE JUST VANISHED! WE HAVE TO FIND HER! DON'T EVEN SUGGEST THAT!" Wendy flinches and I take a step back and a deep breath and lay my hand on her head. "I'm sorry. I just.. I can't allow myself to think like that.. I have to find her. I have to. I have to apologize to her, and try to make things right again." Wendy offers me a sympathetic smile and says, " You'll get that chance Natsu. We will find her."

Gajeel: "She's not entirely wrong Salamander!"

I never moved so fast in all my life to get in his face and prepare to deck him in the mouth with my fist lit aflame.. fire is free flowing from my mouth as I say, "What did you just say?!"

Gajeel: I shove salamander forward away from me, "Calm down, I meant that her scent is no where else around here. There's obvious signs a one sided fight was fought here, but there's no footprints or tracks of any kind leading away from the wagon.. only to it. Not even a blood trail.." salamander tenses up at what I've said, "since its evident she was bleeding, but not even that is anywhere."

I let my fire go out, and I just collapsed to my knees. We've hit a brick wall with no clues to follow. No witnesses, no idea where to go next. My chest aches... Lucy, where are you?!

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now