Ch 28

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Normal pov

Lucy screams in pain, tears streaming her face as her life is being zapped from her body. 

Natsu: "NOO!! LUCY!!!"

Malachi and Aaron:  "LUCY!!"


M.L:  "Now why would I do that? When I'm mere moments away from true divinity!! The title of goddess WILL BE MINE!!!" She increases her energy flow at Lucy's sphere.. Lucy screams even louder eyes wide open full of fear and in pain

Lucy:  "N.. NAAATSUUU!!"

The exceeds flew in from outside to see what was happening.. they could hear the shouting and commotion from outside. Lilly flies to Gajeel and Happy to Natsu, but Charla stands in the door way sweating fear.. just like her vision the tavern was in tatters, tables, chairs and walls were in tatters, shattered glass scattered all over the floor.. and all the unconscious bodies lying all over the tavern... LaVey has arm out stretched to Lucy hovering in a black and purple sphere screaming in pain... and LaVey with sinister bright red eyes, and evil smile spread from ear to ear, her hair is being whipped around wildly in a smoke encircling her body... LaVey lowers her arm and Lucy hits the ground as do each of her keys...

Natsu:  "LUCY!!!! HAPPY?!"

Happy:  "AYE SIR!"

Happy flies him over and drops him just short of where Lucy lie.. he crawled to her on his hands and knees and laid her over his lap with her head in his arms "Lucy no.. no no.. come on open your eyes please! Please! Look at me! Lucy!!" He throws his head back and cries hugging her head to his chest.. 

M.L:  "Oh don't be so dramatic boy.. She alive.. barely but she's still there. As my first act as a near deity I will grant you a moment to say any final goodbyes you'd wish to have.. hahahaha!!!"

Natsu pov

I glare at her with my teeth bared and flames coming from my mouth but stop and look down as I feel a soft hand on my cheek and a weak faint voice, "..Na..tsu" 

Natsu:  through tears, "Hey! Hey, I'm here.." I grab her hand "I'm right here... I'm so sorry.."

Lucy:  "No.. I'm sorry.. it's not.. your fault.. I'm just glad.. I got to see you.. one last time.." 

Natsu:  "Lucy.. I have to tell you something.. please just hang on and hear me.. " even with her life on the line and danger breathing down my neck, I still can't get the words out.. " I.. lo..."

Lucy:  "I love you Natsu.." she has tears in here eyes as they slowly begin to close..

Natsu:  "Lucy? No, don't close your eyes! I love you! With all my heart! Please! Stay with me! I can't live without you in this world! Don't go!!" She whispers, "I'm sorry..." before closing her eyes and she slumps in his arms.. 'No.. I'm too late!' I thought. "HAHAHHAA YOU STUPID BOY!! YOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN YOUR CHANCE WHEN YOU HAD IT!.. Aha there it is!!" LaVey's body begins to glow a brighter version of her dark purple aura "This lovely power is incredible.. yes grow, my power! Grow, GROW! hahahahaha!!!"

I look back down at Lucy, tears streaming down my face... I lean my forehead against hers.. "I failed you.. Lucy, I'm sorry.. please come back.. I can't do this without you.. I don't want to face this world without you with me..." I lift her head and plant my lips onto hers and hold my lips there while cupping her face.. till I feel our lips begin to tingle in warmth..

Normal pov


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