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^^Song Lucy duets with Aaron^^

Natsu pov

Piano music begins to play and the heavy black curtains start to draw back from their position on stage.. they reveal some guy on stage.. I guess Aaron. He brings the mic to his mouth and sings,

Aaron: "I was thinkin bout you, thinkin bout me, thinkin bout us, what we gon be, open my eyes..." Then a second voice joins his and my heart flutters... it's hers.

Aaron and Lucy; "it was only just a dreeeeeaaam.." she then sings solo, 

Lucy: "travel back down that road, will you come back? No one knows, I realize" their voices join once more, 

Aaron and Lucy: "it was only just a dreeeeaaaam".. Aaron then takes over a solo part of the song..

I'm not really even listening to the song, just her voice.. I'm just starring at her.. only her. My eyes take in how she looks.. what she was wearing.. (I take no credit for the below Image.. it was the closest thing I could find for what I'd had pictured in mind)

 it was the closest thing I could find for what I'd had pictured in mind)

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Lucy has worn some pretty.. risque clothes before.. but what she'd had on tonight just had her looking... beautiful.. her hair was completely down and had come across her shoulders.. then I see something that has me low key growling..  Aaron sings out a lyric, "..see your pretty face, run my fingers through your hair.." and as he's singing this he's up close to her face and running a hand through her hair.. He better gets his hands off her before I jump over this damn table.. Erza see's I'm freaking out and gives me a hard glare to stay sat down... they eventually meld their voices together still gazing at each other. They then break eye contact so they can look out at the crowd.. and she locks eyes with mine. Her deep chocolate brown eyes bored into mine.. 

Aaron and Lucy: "...I realize, it was only just a dreeeeam,.." she sings into her own solo, 

Lucy:  "When I'm riding I swear I see your face at every turn, I'm tryin to get my usher on but I can't let it burn, and I just hope you'll know that you're the ooonly one I yeaaarn for..." 

She's singing this all while still staring at me.. I feel goosebumps form all over my skin.. man I've missed her.. then they both descend from the stage and enter the crowd.. not breaking eye contact with me as her and Aarons voices became one again.. she starts making her way weaving through the crowd of people and tables.. so does Aaron.. whereas he's coming up to different girls with each note, she's broke eye contact with me to do the same as Aaron but with the men in the crowd, I feel a bit of jealously and rejection all at the same time, but she's still making her way towards our table, and regains eye contact with me by the time she finally reaches me.. as she's singing she reaches out her hand at me, I put my hand in hers and she motions for me to stand while she guides my hand to behind her back and puts the hand that guided mine on my chest all while staring into my eyes, 

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now