Ch 13

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**FAIR WARNING** Sorry if any of you don't like the music I use as the song Lucy sings and performs to. If its not your taste in music then no worries! Feel free to not click the vid up top, and continue on with the story. But the way I have this part of the story going, LaVey, as punishment for trying to run off, has Lucy performing songs and acts on stage that she doesn't want to do but.. Lucy again, has no choice. And LaVey's rationalization is that she runs a tavern, obviously alcohol is served, her crowd base is mostly men, Lucy is a beautiful young woman.. and the combination of Lucy's appearance and rowdy vulgar rock music, is bound to result in an over flux of profits. LaVey has Lucy sing and dance to a variety of genres. But for the evening Levy happens to be there, it's this rock music lol.

Levy pov

Levy: I nearly fall out of my seat. Wait, Lucy?? Did he say Lucy?? 

I looked at Malachi and he's making just as a bewildered of a face as I am. That's when I saw her. For the first time in three months I see her! She's alive! She approaches the mic and shouts, "you guys ready to kick this night off right?!" The crowd erupts into massive cheers and fist pumps in the air.. she joins them in their shouts by sticking her tongue out and doing the rocker hand sign in the air... I've never seen Lucy like this! Her hair is completely down and splayed all across her back and shoulders, she's in a tight red leather zip up legless one piece with high shoulders and red high heels, bright red lipstick and messy dark black eye make up and has a fan to blow her hair while perrforming.."Just follow along if you know it!" The music begins to play...

Lucy singing: "I'm the girl you've been thinkin about, the one thing you can't live without, yea I'm the girl you've been waitin for, I'll have you down on your kneees, I'll have you beggin for more..

She continues singing till she eventually is screaming her lyrics into the microphone.. wind blowing her hair back, she's leaning forward into the crowd, and taps her back foot at the beat of the music.. I never pictured Lucy even liking this kind of music let alone singing it.. something's not right here... 

Levy:  The musics gotten so loud that I have to nearly shout at Malachi, " that girl.." I point to Lucy on stage, "..and this girl" I press my finger down on Lucy's picture, ".. the same girl??" I finally look to him, and his expression is no longer shocked, but sad.. he's holds his gaze at her photo before he finally glances up at Lucy on stage, and is completely sorrowful.. he nods his head at my question. I don't believe it. I really have found Lucy! But what happened to her this whole time? "Malachi!" he looks back at me, "What happened to her? How long has she been here? Why hasn't she returned back to her guild??" At the mention of "guild" he almost looks like I've slapped him in the face, so pained.. he begins to answer when Lucy's song ends and another one begins to play..

Lucy: "Okay guuuys, I wanna hear aaaalll of your wonderful voices with this next one.. this'll be my last one for the night so let's make it loud and make it cooount!" the crowd cheers and the begins to sing along with her, "ooooooooh, I miss the misery! ooOooO, oooOooooO..." I start listening to her lyrics and they sound like she's singing about a messy break up.. She's singing about Natsu isn't she? "Julia? Julia.. JULIA!" Malachi ripped my gaze from Lucy to him, I forgot "Julia" was my name for the night.. "Sorry, to shout, the crowd is getting pretty loud and you couldn't seem to hear me.." I just continue looking at him, "but to answer your question? about why she's not returned to her guild? its because she no longer has a guild to return to.." I look at him and offer a warm, almost amused smile, of course Lucy has a guild to come home too! "That's silly! Her guild will always welcome h.." "No, Julia you don't understand.." I drop my smile as he explains, "she can't return to it because there's no one to come back to, they've all been killed..." 

All because of a fight and a job requestWhere stories live. Discover now