Chapter One

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Age: 10 (ahhaha yeah)

Naruto age: 12

Hanako's POV:

"Hanako, your late wake up." Your dad yelled from your door. Your eyes shot open when you heard your late. "BY HOW LONG?!" You yelled as you ran to your dresser and grabbed your Anbu clothes and your mask. "Uh, four hours?" Daddy said sweat dropping. You dropped your clothes and snapped your head to him. And within seconds he was running out the door. You went after him and you both ran out the door. In a few seconds you had pinned him to the ground and went ham on his ass. You were punching his head over and over and started yelling at him "I AM FOUR HOURS LATE TO MY MEETING AND YOU JUST NOW WAKE ME UP?!?!" You started to yell as you punched him again. You then realized you had to get dressed. "ugh." You mumbled to yourself as you sprinted to your room and picked up the clothes and changed into them as fast as you could. 'Gramps is gonna kill me, he's always saying how I can't pick up daddy's lazy habits, now here you were, about to die at the hands of your Gramps.' You ran out of the house without breakfast and ran to the hogake tower. You knocked on the door and ran in, not waiting for a reply. You knelt to him once you got into his office. You looked up to see him and you saw him fuming mad. "heh, sorry?" You said with your head looking up slightly. "sorry? SORRY?! HANAKO YOU ARE FOUR HOURS LATE FOR THE FIFTH TIME THIS WEEK! SORRY WILL NOT CUT IT! UP!" He yelled at you and you stood up faster than light. "Anyways, I need to speak to you of something of Ut most importance." You took a seat on his desk, he may be a pervert but so were you, daddy got you into Icha Icha books. Anyways, he continued to talk. "As I know, you have no friends your age, or any friends as a matter of fact. Me and your father have talked about putting you into the academy again..." He said. "What." You asked staring him down. "You know I don't need anyone and I hate everyone my age and older. I will never go to that hell hole again." You said. "Sorry my dear grandchild, but your already late. They are all graduating in a few days so you won't have to be there long, and if you make friends before you all graduate then you don't have to be on one of the teams, but if you don't have any friends by then you will be on one of the teams." He said looking you in the eye. "You will also keep your rank a secret, as well as the bingo book problem..." He said and you swallowed a lump in your throat. You were the silver assassin, you've killed over 3,000 enemies and only the only one who new in the village was Gramps, and if something happened, he would tell daddy. Dang. "You will still be sent on your own s or ss-rank missions." He said. "YESSSSS!" You yelled standing on his desk. You looked back down at him and realized what you did. "Heh, sorry." You said getting off his desk. "*sigh* Anyways Hanako, you must go to the academy now before your so late Iruka goes off on you too. Go change and head to the academy. Go my child." He said calmly. You bowed, grabbed his hat, put it on while running out the door. You ran all the way back to your home so you can change. When you got home you busted through the door. You looked at your dad reading your favorite book, which he is so disappointed in himself for showing them to you. "Hey sweetheart, how was your meeting with the hokage?" Daddy asked you. You threw your Anbu mask off and threw it at him. It hit him right in the head. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. I DONT NEED ANY ONE IN MY LIFE BUT YOU AND GRAMPS! WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME GO?!" You said running up to your room hiding behind the hokage hat while running to your room. You got there in a half second and your room was on the other side of the house and on the second floor. You slammed the door shut and locked it too. You sat on the floor and cried for the first time ever sense you found out your mother died. You sniffed back your tears and started to change into your dads old Anbu clothes, the clothes you wore everywhere when you weren't wearing your own clothes. You sighed as you changed the black mask that you and your dad always wore. You shoved your bangs Infront of your sharingan eye, that you got from your dad, how? Not sure but you've had it once you were born. So, you've always had it covered, unless it was a really tough fight. Once you were all ready and changed, you grabbed a book and walked out of your room. You walked to the living room and saw your dad there not reading, but looking at the mask you threw at him. 'dang.' You thought as you walked over to him. You put your book down and sat next to him, hugging him. "Sorry daddy." You said. He looked at you after putting the mask down, and hugged you back. "I love you daddy; do you want to walk me to school?" You asked him, you never went to school so this was the first time you ever said that to him. He anime cried and picked you up, you grabbed your book and he ran out the door with you over his shoulder. You just read the whole time he dragged you to school. It may be embarrassing to others but you liked it. You never did this so it was really fun even if you forgot how to show emotion most of the time. Hopefully Gramps will see that you can't make friends and will take you out of the hell hole. You turned a page on Icha Icha paradise as he stopped running. "Please don't read that in class." He said as he put you down. He planted a kiss on the top of your head. "I love you sweetheart. Have a good day, I'll come pick you up." He said as he disappeared. 'Bye daddy.' You thought. You opened the door and saw Iruka- well now Iruka-sensei. He looked over to you and eyes went wide a little.


Enjoy Part One of the story! Tell me if you have any questions and if i made any mistakes! Thanks for reading!



Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now