Chapter Seventeen

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Hanako hatake does not own Naruto



Age: 10

Sasuke age: 12

Hanako POV:


It had been three months and four weeks, I had three days left of this. I found who the most powerful is. Tobi. He had opened up to me, knowing who my father was. I haven't seen him and I miss him, but I know this is for the best. Tobi told me he was really Obito, dads old friend who had 'died' but was really here instead. And he wanted me to tell dad about it. I had a few days until I got to leave. Itachi and I had grown close and the others still hated me. The only ones that liked me was Obito and Itachi Uchiha. Well, this was an odd four months. I guess I'll leave sooner. I've done my mission. I take my cloak and ring off. I get back into my ANBU clothes and I jump out of my window. I run out of the rain village and back to Konoha.


When I got back I walking into the gates. It had been a while, and now I'm back home... Finally, now I can see Dad! I run all the way to the hokage's office and knock on the door, walking in without an enter. When I get in, I see a lady in the office. I stare at her and she stares at me. "Who are you?" We ask at the same time. "Im Hanako. Or Silver of the ANBU. Where's the third Hokage?" I ask the lady and she sighs. "So your the Hokage's guard dog. My name is Tsunade. The next Hokage. The third Hokage has died." She says and I nod, holding in my tears. Gramps died?! "Well, what do you need?" She asks and I snap back into reality. "I'm back from my mission ma'am."


Sorry its short! Thank you all for reading!

Don't forget to...







Kakashi's Daughter: Hanako Hatake; Sasuke love story. {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now