So uh i got taged

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Heyo! It's Hanako here! And I got tagged! By, @Lilkagurain So let's start!

Heyo! It's Hanako here! And I got tagged! By, @Lilkagurain So let's start!

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1. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
-brush i've never kissed anyone i'm 12 💀
2. What's the closest thing to you that's red?
-...what? like the color? uh. if its the color then like a purple pink thing
3. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
-i don't dream but a while ago i remember my sister (irl) kissing some owner of a pizza place 💀😂
4. Did you meet anyone knew today?
-no i went out with my brother today hehe
5. What are you craving right now?
- man i could REALLY go for some tea on rice that my grandma makes. it's hella bomb
6. What comes to your mind when i say cabbage?
-a leaf?
7. What does your last text say?
-oh no- here: "i don't have a shirt that looks good with black sweatpants help" bruh that was my drama for the day
8. Do you bite into ice cream or just lick it?
-well it depends. sometimes i eat ice cream with stuff in it, like a brownie so i have to bite it, other times i lick it
9. Do you like your hair?
-no it's a fucking rats nest that's too thick for a asian girl. and it's dead ass brown but it turns red in the sun and black when it's wet. and i hate having hair longer than my shoulders so i'm getting it cut on Wednesday
10. Do you like yourself?
-i use to hate myself, i was really fat and my hair was too long and never looked good. but now i am losing weight, going to therapy to help my anxiety, which causes me to not go to school, and starting to wear better clothing. so yes i am starting to see the beauty in me so yes!
11. Have you ever meet a celebrity?
-no my dude
12. Do you like cottage cheese?
-never had it
13. What are you listening to right now?
-oh no. E.T. by katy perry and kanye west 💀 only because there was a video edit with chuuya and it had this sound with it! (if u wanna watch it dm me and i'll send it to ya)
14. How many counties have you visited?
-one. Canada.
15. Are your parents strict?
-nah my mom, only parent, only has expectations for me, like good grades and stuff
16. Would you go sky diving?
-no! jump out of a plane voluntarily? fuck no
17. Is there something sparkly in the room your in right now?
-nah my room is boring
18. Who sits behind you in math class?
-the wall. i sit on the side facing the door so the wall sits behind me.
19. Do you own anything from hot topic?
-well if we're going into details here, yes. a skirt, suspenders, a todoroki figure, a naruto hat, an Itachi shirt, and a Kakashi shirt.
20. Have you ever slapped anyone?
- I slap my sister like every time i see her-
21. Are you sarcastic?
-i don't think you've meet someone more sarcastic than me.
22. Do you have any tattos?
-nah my dude. i'm 12. tho i got some sick temporary tattos
23. Where was your default picture taken at?
- uh. i don't really have one, it changes from app to app but i would say maybe cactus, a restaurant here in kirkland
24. Have you ever crawled through a window?
-uh i crawled through a car window once to get in 💀
25. Have you ever made a prank phone call?
-nah i'm boring and i don't want the fbi coming after me-

yay so that was really fun!
ok so i tag...

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